factors affecting kinship ties in traditional african society

theories regarding family structure" (D . There are societies where prayers are made to the mother and the child. 1. Young men are taught to develop self-love and love for the community it provides a sense of belonging. These primary ties, as we may call them,4 are biologically the same in all societies,5 though, functionally, they may differ from culture to culture.6 But kinship ties do not rest within the reproductive family. They are referred to as the Eskimo, Hawaiian, Sudanese, Omaha, Crow, and Iroquois systems. - A child who remained an orphan was easily adopted into another family. Most of the time they suffer from old age diseases. Babbie, Earl R., Sociology: An Introduction. 4 It disrupts normal human activities. During seclusion there is sex education, which is meant for girls and boys for marriage. Naming ceremonies also provide opportunity to teach the culture of the youth. People in the traditional African communities were afraid of acquiring property unlawfully for fear of curse. Family plays a central role in African society. Through apprenticeship iv. 7. Once the negotiations are over then dowry payment would begin. Meanwhile the man and her married sister do not live in one locality, as they must maintain their marriages. Anything described in these terms must inherently be bad, primitive and, therefore, undesirable.41, Typical of this Eurocentric characterization of the traditional African family is often not only the contention that there cannot be genuine love in a polygamous marriages but that even monogamous ones lack genuine love. Edited by G.A. Religion: People have some religious beliefs, which promote unity, and every community believes in the existence of one God. Young men are taught to be honest in all their undertakings. Furthermore, the woman will bear children and thus enrich her husband and the wider circle of relatives from both sides. The traditional African family is a very broad concept which has challenging variations across the continent. The subject of traditional family patterns in Africa is so broad that it cannot be adequately addressed in one chapter. 4. e. In certain communities pregnant women and children are not allowed to go near touch the corpse to avoid misfortunes. Land was owned by the community. It is feared and marked with a lot of sorrow. - Many people have moved and have settled in foreign lands, which are not their ancestral lands. As such children at an early age learn that their father has little authority or responsibility for them. 2. (New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1961) p.68, 23 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life. 6. 4. Young people are trained to have respect for others and self-respect. Politics: New political systems and forms of government have changed the traditional community. - In African traditional society, each individual is related to the other. This shows that children seals marriage. In difficult times such as during famine, those who have share what they have with their relatives. The government, the church and non-governmental organizations have built homes for the aged. This again is true among other Zambian tribes like the Bisa, Lamba, Lala, Chewa, Kaonde, Luba, and others. - Some widows and children are not accepted or welcomed in their new homes. 2. vii. People learn to be thankful to God, parents, relatives and one another AFRICAN UNDERSTANDING OF COMMUNITY AND KINSHIP African community is used to refer to a group of people occupying a particular geographical area, share common interest and practices a sense of togetherness. They feel a strong bond towards each other because they are tied by kinship relationships to one another. The man or bridegroom builds himself a house at his wifes village and becomes a member of her extended family group.25 The wife cooks at her mothers house with other female relatives who are mainly unmarried and married sisters. 4. - Among the Luo the bride could be accompanied by her other sisters and on the first night, the people would witness the breaking of virginity. East Lansing, Michigan State University, 1980, Unpublished M. A. Thesis. 26 Audrey I. Richards, Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions, The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers. In western European societies Jack Goode finds that world revolution has contributed for the transformation of . Prayers are offered also during time of calamities. - The government assists widows to get their husbands benefits. - The bathing symbolizes the beginning of a new state in life. After initiation, one has the right to marry. Young initiates are trained to be responsible husbands and wives in future. Prayers also connect the living and the dead. But typically news, information, and gossip flow readily through the network, with some individuals acting as "kin . Third, certain distinguishing personal names. - The introduction of money economy has reduced the value of land. 4. Those who had not been initiated were not allowed to own property. society. Diviners and mediums iii. They heal various diseases using herbs. - A white bed sheet is spread this is to collect blood during the breaking of virginity. - In most African communities a widow was inherited by the husbands close relatives. Other names may also refer to the characteristics of the mothers pregnancy or the nature of delivery e.g. Elders iv. They may receive messages from the spirits and ancestors. Kinship ties are strong bonds that exist among community members. factors affecting kinship ties in modern society, factors affecting kinship ties in traditional african society, importance of kinship ties in traditional af. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1958, 1967, 1975). In the U.S., it is highly unusual for adult children to continue living with their families, although this phenomenon has increased recently strictly as a function of the current economic recession and the comparative . Second Edition, London: The Macmillan Press, Ltd., 1974. Marriage has been commercialized - many people demand higher payment for their daughter. iv. Today many people do not believe in rainmakers. It symbolizes the union between the living and the dead. It could also help in paying of the dowry. D. at Michigan State University in Sociology in 1987. DEATH Death is the last rite in ones life and unlike other rites like initiation, naming. They can also reveal-hidden information e.g. It was a signed to individuals by the elders. By 1935, for example, anthropologists like Mair and Richards and no doubt many others were already noticing change in marriage and family patterns.36. There is no proper dosage of the herbs. iii. Marriage: Has been individualized and is no longer a communal affair. Patterns of Personality in Africa, in Responses to Change: Society, Culture and Personality. 11 This study was conducted in the late 1800s when inter-tribal warfare and capturing of slaves from the wars was still very common. 2 William J. IV, pp.66-87. In fact Chondoka finds the use of the terms dowry, bride price to refer to particularly traditional Zambian marriages to be serious misnomers introduced by European missionaries and colonialists in Africa. The mother and the child is no longer secluded. - Marriage extended relationship and therefore enlarged kinship ties. There are meteorologists who predict the weather conditions. - Land can now be sold or auctioned. 1967. A Modern Introduction to The Family, Glencoe: The Free Press, 1960. The African notion of "family," by contrast, typically refers to the extended family system. Where as chiefs have a number of wives, it is very rare to find ordinary men who have more than one wife. The Baganda use classificatory system of kinship terminology which seems common to virtually all the Bantu peoples of Central and Southern Africa. They have the ability to foretell what would happen in the future. RAIN MAKERS - Rain in traditional Africa is understood to come directly from God. Explain the importance of Kinship in traditional African society african cultural and moral values 1 Answer 0 votes answered Aug 9, 2021 by anonymous Control social relationships in community of people related by blood and marriage Bind whole community hence social cohesion Makes people live in harmony/ peace Promotes mutual responsibility and help This article looks at the societies and cultures of sub-Saharan Africa in pre-modern history. Kinship systems are often used for organizational purposes, including the organization of family members. 4. In some instances a go between would be used to identify a suitable partner. TOPIC 9:AFRICAN MORAL AND CULTURAL VALUES MEANING AND WHOLENESS OF LIFE- In the African traditional society, life is believed to originate from God. Factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibility in African communities. - There are rites of passage that one has to undergo. 16. However, it is not a form of payment as is mistaken by others. 8. Today the dead can be buried in cemeteries in towns. Main factors which affect social change can be discussed a follows: 1. 4. Being a part of the web of kinship (Fortes 1949) is still of critical importance for most people in Africa. How the widows and orphans are supported - Church members offer them guidance and counseling (giving them hope) - They are prayed for. The government has also set up insurance and pension schemes to enable people who are employed continue to get a decent life after retirement e.g. It is a way of compensating the brides family for the loss of a member. Adams, Bert N., The Family: A Sociological Interpretation, 4th Edition, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1986. v. Polygamy is encouraged for sexual satisfaction for men. Before initiation one is not fully considered belonging to the community. Lusaka: National Educational Company of Zambia, and Kenneth Kaunda Foundation, 1970. p119. factors. iv. 5. Girls, in distinction to boys, seldom have time to play games.21, Among the Bemba people of Northern Zambia, marriage is matrilocal. But rather as curiosities that were to succumb to the superior European monogamous marriage values legitimated by Christianity. 2. f. The grave is dug in a special place e.g. There are several forms of Initiation; these include:- i. Circumcision ii. The clan chooses the heir. In the African understanding, it is believed that there is no natural death. Diviners also have religious functions and perform duties of priests such as offering of sacrifice. 9. In a typical traditional African society, the family comprised of a number of individuals, ranging from grandparents,aunts,uncles, father, mother, children etc sometimes the "sahwira" is also regarded as part of that family in some sense. Many people spend their leisure time watching videos, Television and films, Certain leisure activities such as soccer have been turned into well-paying professions. Matrilineality is the major influence in what children learn and come to accept about their society. Anthropologists have discovered that there are only six basic kin naming patterns or systems used by almost all of the thousands of cultures in the world. 4. These institutions are a cultural universal i.e. Makini. a diviner would be called when something was stolen. Fourth, special observations related to pregnancy, childbirth, naming of the child, and testing the childs legitimacy as clan member.14, The existence of patriarchy and the patrilineal system among the Baganda might suggest that individual men have the most dominant social status. they are operational and obtainable in every society around the world be it traditional or modern. The midwife also monitors the development of the foetus. Rain makers ii. What is significant about the various descriptions of the traditional African family is that they are from back in the period before the 1940s and in case of the Baganda from the late 1800s. 12. Although polygamy is the act of an individual being married to more than one spouse at the same time, the more commonly practiced in Africa is polygyny .the legal marriage of one man to two or more women concurrently is permitted.4 This author argues that because of its perversity, the presence and absence of polygyny was a significant determinant and indicator of the nature of virtually every African social group; whether tribe, clan, or extended family, whether matrilineality or patrilineality was practiced, bride price existed, and how children were raised. In some communities if a woman is barren, she would bring another woman to bring children on her behalf. ii. (Eds.) The name gives the child identity. Agikuyu umbilical cord is kept to symbolize the link between the mother and the child. They are free most of them and can get time for the younger generation. Christianity: Christianity has weakened African Kinship ties by introducing new ties by the Christian family. Death -The rites or ceremonies conducted on such occasions differ from one community to another. iv. Dowry is important in that:- 1. There is a lot of secrecy surrounding the knowledge of herbs. It varies from culture to culture, from society to society. a child born after a long period of childless marriage is called Ogwedhi among the Luo. - Hardworking. In many traditional African societies, kinship ties are similarly expansive and can include a large and diverse range of relationships. Others reflect the problems the parents faced e.g. The histories and cultures of Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia and North Africa are covered . One-parent families headed by a woman for any reason are much poorer ($30,296 in 2008 median annual income) than those headed by a man ($44,358). 6 It separates one from the loved ones. However, the role of these traditional religious leaders has been greatly affected by influence of Christianity, western culture and formal education. Those who are related by blood include - Brothers - Sisters - Aunts - Uncles - Parents - Cousins - Grandparents By marriage include Wife/ husband Others are referred to as in-laws - Kinship also includes all the living and any given locality. it governs behavior towards each other - Kinship binds together the entire life of a community, the departed and those yet to be born. a person born during locusts invasion can be called Adede among the luo. Would provide medical care e.g. This is done by breaking the hearts of relatives by refusing to be good-hearted when they need you. 2. This may be due to urbanization and economic constraints. Wealth was seen in terms of: 1. Hotel Hope Ministries is a fully registered South African non-profit organisation established with aim of ensuring that each and every child is brought up in a safe, happy and healthy home so that they can grow up and develop into responsible and positive adults. INITIATION - This is the second major important stage in ones life. Box 169 This is because these ties: traditional agricultural systems of production and the increasing ownership of land by women, as well as education and access to contraceptives have reduced the demand for large families. Angering the living dead and the spirits e.g. Richards, Audrey I., Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions, The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1969. The clan is linked by four factors. Are made up of smaller units called clan. 3. In this system, all brothers of the father are called father, all sisters of the mother are called mother, all their children brother and sister. In male-speaking terms, fathers sisters daughters (cross-cousins) are called cousins. Importance of Kinship System and Ties. - They preside over important occasions such as initiation, planting and marriage. 4. The wishes of parents and the dead were honored. NAMING Nearly all-African names have a meaning. Consanguineal kinship: this kinship is based on blood the relationship meaning the relationship between parents and children also among immediate siblings. The . It is not possible to gather initiates together in some communities. There was never a distinction between the biological and non-biological kin as far as primary parental obligations were concerned. iii. fellow Christians. How Names are given in the traditional African societies 1. - There are cases of destruction of land and environment through dumping of wastes. society irrespective of their origins, background, class, ethnicity, race, gender and other markers of identity. They include;- 1. ii. - They counsel and guide the youth on matters of sex and marriage Why guiding and counseling was done by elders 1. For example, when a man dies among the Baganda, his power over the property ends. According to Dziro and Mhlanga (2018), urbanization, HIV/AIDS, and poverty in Africa are all factors that stifle the effectiveness of informal kinship approaches to proper childcare and. 3. Download Now. In the traditional African Community, marriage was considered incomplete without children. 2. - Life also continues after death, death does not mark the end of life but is just a change of state. Stephens, William N., The Family in Cross-Cultural Perspective, New York: University Press of America, 1982. - Sometimes the orphans and widows have their property destroyed or snatched. The descriptions implicitly portray (to the African and Westerner) African relationships as being negative, rigid and miserable. The basic kinship unit of Bemba society is not the individual family, but a matrilocal extended family composed of a man and his wife, their married daughters, and the latters husbands and children.24, A young Bemba couple live in the same hut with a child of pre-weaning age whom they may have. They affect all aspects of Africa, including care, marriages, and social status, since kinship controls people's relationships, moral values, and attitudes. iii. Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953) p.14, 37 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life, Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953) p.51 Naboth M. J. Ngulube, Some Aspects of Growing Up in Zambia. All rights reserved. Changing attitudes to birth and naming 1. 10. (New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1961)p.76. 47 Mwizenge S. Tembo, A Sociological Analysis of the African Personality Among Zambian Students. He was a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies of the University of Zambia from 1977 to 1990. Would you say in the Western marriage ritual of the priest leading on the saying of vowes, that the priest orders the groom to now kiss the bride, or put the ring on the brides finger, or ordered to be married for that matter? Responsibility of elders: - They help in the settlement of disputes. At times force could be applied to get a reluctant young girl marry the partner. Current notions of kinship still owe a great deal to ideas about the physiological connections between kin. These could be through words or deeds. So the relationship is often based on mutual expectations and is more beneficial for both parties than confrontational and fraught with issuing of orders. - In most communities the child and the mother are kept in seclusion for a number of days, depending on the sex of the baby. They are neglected by their children especially those working in the towns. Before initiation, one is viewed as a child no matter the age. - They are many types of the wedding ceremonies. Same ancestry: People of a particular community believe that they have the same origin e.g. 8. Included in this same bigger household will be servants, female slaves, and their children.10 The father remains the head of the nuclear family units. v. Others would also be killed for crimes such as murder. v. Marking of the body (scarification) - During initiation, the initiates are removed from the rest of the community. Lecture: Nexus kinship and blood has a taste if age-old ideologies. The man who is the heir to the widow has the additional family responsibility of adopting the widows family. Primary kinship refers to direct relations. DeVos, New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1976. They are taught about morals of the society. iii. Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life. When one dies, he joins the world of the living dead. Physical causes of death i. vii. iii. New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1961. the introduction of money economy. - It also regulates marriage relations, before marriage one has to find the back ground of the other. Most of these ceremonies are religious. -Responsibility. Strong religious beliefs helped bind the members of society together and inspire a sense of unity. 2. They lead people to communal prayer in time of crisis. - The placenta is disposed of ceremoniously e.g. Modern education and western culture has affected dowry payment in that many educated attach little value to dowry payment. There are strict rules and taboos governing sex. There are counselors that give the aged hope and love. 5. 6) There is problem of correct dosage of traditional medicine. - It was a common belief that a woman belonged to the whole community. The traditional healers are still important today especially to those who had let down by medicine prescribed by doctors. The effective boundaries of the network vary for different people, over time and for different contents. It was used to bury the dead, the spirits were believed to dwell on land or below the ground. Introduction The primary objective of this paper is to define the African traditional religious system as the basis of understanding Christian spiritual warfare within an African context. Therefore, they try to restrict the kinship ties. iii. Bridgewater, VA 22812 - Kinship ties also provide security to all concerned. This paper aims at tackling the change in the anthropological view of marriage and kinship ties in the society. Family. Initiation 3. Ch. They were believed to have a lot of experience in life. Christianity and Islam were able to absorb many African religions because of each religion believed in a single supreme being that was the creator and ruler of the universe. It offers a general survey of the geographical environments they inhabited; their settlements, social structures and economies; and their religions and cultures. Those who are lazy are ridiculed. Expectant mothers are forbidden from taking certain foods for fear that these foods could interfere with the safety and health of the mother and child e.g. Children are attached to and cared for by many adults, including grandparents, aunties, uncles and older siblings [29064] [28917]. There are basically eight primary kinswife father son, father daughter mother son, wife; father son, father daughter, mother son, mother daughter; brother sister; and younger brother/sister older brother/sister. 6. People who have become educated consider the shaving of the hair unnecessary. Meanwhile, the median income of married-couple families is much higher ($72,589). Similar customs or rules of restrictions in interaction apply between many other kin in a traditional African family. ii. - Can interfere with an individuals reproductive system. It does not give warning. These rules would differ from one community to another. iv. The paternal grandfather recites many names of the clans dead ancestors. 42 Yizenge A. Chondoka, Traditional Marriages in Zambia: A Study in Cultural History. politicians. In some communities as soon as a woman realizes she is expecting, she and the husband completely stops having sexual intercourse until after birth. Choosing of a marriage partner This differs from one community to another. Names are also given in honor of ancestors. - They help the priests to performing certain rituals such as sacrifices. The father knows that his children are not his ultimate responsibility but his sisters children. - People tend to be individualized. - Gambling. Religion, in the African indigenous context, permeates all departments of life. There were clear guidelines, rules and regulations on the use and ownership of land. 2. Land Ownership: It is no longer communal affair but a private affair. For example, among the Tumbuka38 of Eastern Zambia the verb kugula (to buy) is used to refer to purchasing of material objects or commodities and domestic animals. 3. There are three main types of kinship: lineal, collateral, and affinal. Some scholars have suggested that this arrangement might be fraught with potential social problems and conflict.33 More so than a patrilineal household where all the people charged with authority over the children potentially live in one household. i. They also perform light duties for relatives. Although human beings have made tremendous progress during the last 150 years or so, yet they have not been able to wield full control over the nature. KINSHIP SYSTEM - Kinship refers to being related to another either by blood or marriage. It is the kinship ties which determine a person's rights, responsibilities and behaviour. That is one cannot escape it 2 It brings impurity to the family and thus several rites are observed after death 3 It deprives the family and the community of the individual. 6. Dowry payment is no longer a communal affair but an individual affair. Characteristics of African community 1. The developments in science and technology. After burial, close relatives shave their hair as a sign that one of the members has been separated from and for cleansing impurities. 5) Modern science and technology also discourage people from believing mysterical powers. They are believed to be full of wisdom. Such influences as end of intra and inter-tribal warfare with the coming of European colonialism, the Western money economy, industrialization, migration, and urbanization have certainly transformed the traditional African family from what it was 50 to 100 years ago. Has reduced the value of land 42 Yizenge A. Chondoka, traditional marriages in Zambia: study. One God African traditional society, culture and Personality initiation, planting and marriage Why guiding and was... Such occasions differ from one community to another either by blood or marriage sheet is this. Believe that they have the ability to foretell what would happen in the existence of God... Related to the other more than one wife what children learn and come to accept about their society ( York! ) - during initiation, one is not fully considered belonging to other! That their father has little authority or responsibility for them be killed crimes. 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factors affecting kinship ties in traditional african society