ground rules for group discussion

Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks focus on ideas. To that end, there are some ground rules for participating in the group that we ask that everyone follow. As groups seek to solve problems together, productive discussions are fundamental. If there is an experimentally verified answer, the facilitator can use the opportunity to review the method by which the answer could be determined. IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED and need to talk after this discussion, YWCA is here to help. One organization often held discussions on the terrace of an old mill that had been turned into a bookstore and caf. A shared learning environment is only effective if everyone involved shares. For example, Fenway Park in Boston has a ground rule that if a fly ball strikes the top of the ladder on the Green Monster and then bounces out of play this is considered a two base hit. Remind everyone to be aware of time, and to make their points succinctly so everyone has the chance to share. If the group doesn't address these elements on their own, this list could be used as a discussion prompt during the development process. 1. . Which makes this rule so powerful, because it's easy to point out and bring into discussions. Everybody participates. Everyday-Democracy. One way of doing so without removing group control over the process, is encouraging participants to set some basic ground rules norms or standards for conduct, behavior and conversation that . Its leadership is usually less directive than that of a meeting. Keep discussions focused. If you are unsure of their meaning, ask for clarification. Nothing said in the group should be discussed outside the group without the permission of those involved. DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. "Recognize the difference between opinions and informed knowledge. This ground rule highlights that the meeting is more productive and fun, if everyone participants and contributes equally. Start on timeand end on time. Some examples are to: participate actively speak one at a time treat everyone's ideas with respect-don't criticize minimize side conversations Participants should read and review our Ground Rules prior to the sessions., From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Book Discussion Series, Session 1 Questions: Foreword thru Chapter 2, Calling In: A Less Disposable Way of Holding Each Other Accountable, by Ngc Loan Trn (2013), Calling In: Strategies for Cultivating Humility and Critical Thinking in Antiracism Education, by Robin DiAngelo & zlem Sensoy (2014), Calling In: A Quick Guide on When and How, by Sian Ferguson (2015), You're Gonna Screw Up, by April Hathcock (2016). Dress appropriately so you can be taken seriously. She has to prepare the space and the setting to the extent possible; help the group establish ground rules that will keep it moving civilly and comfortably; provide whatever materials are necessary; familiarize herself with the topic; and make sure that any pre-discussion readings or assignments get to participants in plenty of time. Playground Rules Posters. Sometimes individuals or factions that are trying to dominate can disrupt the process of the group. All of these might be examples of group discussions, although they have different purposes, take place in different locations, and probably run in different ways. When people feel that they personal viewpoint is under attack, they often feel hurt, lash out and attack back. Seek common ground and understanding (not problems and conflict) Disagree without being disagreeable Remember responsibility and non-defensiveness Speak honestly Use I statements Seek unity (not separation) Be positive, non-judgmental and open to new ideas Speak your truth, without blame or judgment Be intrigued by the difference you hear 10. Another strategy is to have participants write out their answers to a question. So lets make sure we are listening 100 percent. For most group discussions, the facilitator role is probably a good ideal to strive for. There may actually be no need for one, in that the goal may simply be to discuss an issue or idea. Dont ask people to do something, and then ignore it. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you"). To make ideas tangible, participations can for an example sketch them using simple shapes and arrows. Deferring - Often, the best strategy is to invite participants to come up after the session and arrange for a time to talk about the disagreement further, and then move the discussion on to another topic. Fact sheet. 2. (2007) Allowing Not-Knowing in a Dialogic Discussion. ", 3. University of Queensland: Designing Culturally Inclusive Environments, accessed July 2008., The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Course Development Funds for Remote-accessible (REM) Courses, Graduate Student Proctorship in Academic Administration, Seminar for Transformation Around Anti-Racist Teaching, Sheridan-RISD Museum Collaborative Workshop Series, Guidelines for Assessing Student Learning, A Guide to the Writing Support (WSUP) Flag for Faculty,, What do the participants bring to the group? 2. By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of such cookies. Surgical Neurology, 47:400-403. Marcus., The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3. . It is a good idea to post the agreed-upon ground rules in a place they can be easily referenced throughout the conversation. It wont hurt to think beforehand about how you want to handle it. Is sometimes simply the obvious, or even the only, way to proceed. Part of your job here is to protect minority rights, i.e., unpopular or unusual ideas. Test Assumptions and Inferences. Ko=jmc X2AH#AP15n$WTtVkV^/ UG:Ewn=5:_je=u{JBb(MkT7}{JZ}iwBM~?Io) +2wQR0!4B+*+2HT(KCZZ[7 OMUnuSN?eR8GV^Rg5)r,c}^`}I E{?Nt ;zroW,DCx0liO'/&wML0XPrcJts[5;]2^lL`cbcbEKeiVRDX]q. 18 Ground Rules for Group Discussions 1 "Strong opinions, loosely held" The idea "strong opinions, loosely held" is that anyone is allowed to express their strong opinions, but at the same be open to change their mind if they new data suggests that they might be wrong. 5 Questions to Get the Diversity & Inclusion Conversation Started in Your Organization. Be solution-focused. If a rule you feel is important is not mentioned by the group, feel free to bring it up for consideration. It may also mean a space away from the ordinary. 16 Ground Rules for Group Work 1 "Tackle problems, not people" When people feel that they personal viewpoint is under attack, they often feel hurt, lash out and attack back. However, with practice and support, the conversations will become easier and bring about positive change for your team. The exception here is when someone has been chosen by her community or group to represent its point of view in a multi-sector discussion. Wherever you (or your branch) are in the journey to build cultural competence, we encourage you to carefully read through this toolkit, access the resources and have group discussions to thoughtfully and respectfully explore the content. The Best Conflict Resolution Books in 2023. Conflict is normal and can be inherent in nearly every situation. "Let go of personal anecdotal evidence and look at broader societal patterns. Whenever you hope to facilitate conversations on social justice concerns, whether preparing for a one-hour workshop or weaving such discussions into a year-long class, a vital first step is the development of guidelines for participation. Some Thoughts on Establishing Ground Rules "All the literature on classroom management considers setting groups rules essential (Baldwin, 1997-1998; Ballantine & Risacher, 1993; Boice, 1996; Brooks, 1987; Feldmann, 2001; Gonzalez & Lopez, 2001 . Having pre-established guidelines can also help decide how to address difficult situations (Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation, 2020). Using ground rules is an early step to create meetings with clear expectations for involvement. Debrief. The focus and goals of our book readings and discussions areknowledge acquisition and learning from the text. There are always a mix of extrovert and introverted people in a meeting. Everyone gets a turn. Sometimes we are tempted to begin formulating what we want to say in response, instead of giving 100 percent of our focus to the speaker. Asking follow-up questions, and paraphrasing the comments for everyone to ponder. If it doesnt, you can essentially say, Thats wrong, and I wont allow that kind of talk here, which may well put an end to the remarks, but isnt likely to change anyones mind. The facilitator can list both sides of the argument on the board. Uphold confidentiality: Treat the candor of others as a gift. For the maximum benefit to all, everyone must contribute. Did you feel like a valuable member of the team? Donate now. That doesnt mean you have to agree with them, but that you have to make sure that they can be expressed, and that discussion of them is respectful, even in disagreement. It is important to prevent misunderstandings by making it clear that all things shared in small group are not to be shared with others. New York: Penguin Group, 1999. Use (or allow others to use) disrespectful language or tone, or disrespectful non-verbal communication. Avoid interrupting or having side conversations. Even after youve wrapped up the discussion, youre not necessarily through. to remain available. Once stated, anyone in the meeting can say "ELMO!" The sound of water from the mill stream rushing by put everyone at ease, and encouraged creative thought. Push yourself to be open to new ideas and experiences even if they initially seem uncomfortable to you. RESPECT another person's right to have opinions and thoughts . Respect the views, values, and ideas of other members of the group. This comprehensive resource includes new features such as: a chapter on intersectionality and classism, discussion of contemporary activisms (Black Lives Matter, Occupy, and Idle No More), material on White Settler societies and colonialism, pedagogical supports related to "common social patterns" and "vocabulary to practice using," and extensive updates throughout. "Recognize how your own social positionality (such as your race, class, gender, sexuality, ability-status) informs your perspectives and reactions" to the book's content and "the individuals whose work you study" in this book. "Disagree without being disagreeable" means that it's fine to have a different opinion, but that participants should express their disagreement to each other in a constructive way. They identify the "rules of engagement" that support a permissive safe environment. Ground rules articulate a set of expected behaviors for classroom conduct. They include setting, or helping the group to set the discussion topic; fostering the open process; involving all participants; asking questions or offering ideas to advance the discussion; summarizing or clarifying important points, arguments, and ideas; and wrapping up the session. Respect silence: Dont force yourself to fill silence. Special rules or guidelines that apply to a particular meeting, task, activity, conversation, negotiation, classroom, event or workshop. Facilitators are non-directive, and try to keep themselves out of the discussion, except to ask questions or make statements that advance it. When conflict is avoided or approached on a win/lose basis, it becomes unhealthy and can cause low morale and increased tension within your members. After proposing this list of ground rules, give people time to digest them, to talk about them, to understand them. This isn't Diversity 101. A way to approach non-participants is to provide opportunities for smaller group discussions or pair-share discussions. Our aim is to provide tools to make these conversations meaningful and productive. Ground rules are still important for holding yourself accountable for a positive and productive conversation. Handelsman, J., Miller, S., & Pfund, C. (2006) Scientific Teaching: Diversity, Assessment, Active Learning (New York: W.H. The ground rules of a group discussion are the guidelines that help to keep the discussion on track, and prevent it from deteriorating into namecalling or simply argument. Ground rules for public participation. Be prompt in arriving to the meeting and in returning from breaks. They break. 11 ground rules for effective meetings 1. Directive leaders can be necessary in some situations. In other words, you need to agree on certain ground rules and promise to honor and respect everyones thoughts, ideas and opinions for the duration of each session. Ground rules help the facilitator establish what behaviors are expected of the focus group participants. Be clear up front about expectations and intentions amongst participants and the facilitator. University Library701 Morrill Rd 2 x=@! (1997) Clinical discussion sessions and small groups. Use headphones or a headset. Creating a Collaborative Learning Environment Guidebook, Center for Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (University of Wisconsin-Madison). The idea"strong opinions, loosely held" is that anyone is allowed to express their strong opinions, but at the same be open to change their mind if they new data suggests that they might be wrong. The complete guide to facilitation. Start on time . Often people do this unconsciously because they feel that the meeting isn't relevant for them."Be present, or be elsewhere" is a good meeting guidelines to establish shared awareness and clear expectations one participants. Enter the room a few minutes early to resolve any technical issues. Some you might suggest, if the group has trouble coming up with the first one or two: Ground rules may also be a place to discuss recording the session. Do not multi-task (do other work) during the meeting. Having nine or fewer ground rules helps the group more easily remember and support them. Some common examples of ground rules include: Come to class on time, and when possible notify group members in advance of absences. Now, just to be clear: We are not saying that conflict is good per se. Using "I" statements, helps participations to speak for themselves and creates more respect for everyone's unique point of view. One is to state your opinion, but make very clear that its an opinion, not a fact, and that other people believe differently. Ground rules The dedication of its employees and other stakeholders to creating a supportive and secure environment for the larger community is something Northeastern University appreciates. Establishing this as a ground rule highlights that participants can suggest on their own when to place something on the parking lot in order to keep the meeting on track and on time. 2, pp.419-427. The presence of conflict can help us problem solve, innovate new ways of doing things, generate new ideas and perhaps most importantly, it can help us expand our understanding of new concepts and experiences. for Racial Justice in Higher Education Show up on time. Openness - Be at ease. Share, even if you dont have the right words: Suspend judgment and allow others to be unpolished in their speaking. We recommend each state and branch (if appropriate) fill this role with someone whos passionate about diversity and inclusion and demonstrates a radical yet respectful curiosity to embrace change. Rule 1: Prepare. Freeman & Co.), Sellers, S.L., Roberts, J., Giovanetto, L., Friedrich, K. & Hammargren, C. (2007) Reaching All Students-A Resource for Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (Second Edition) (Madison, WI: Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning). -Approved Feb. 9, 2007. What's said at group stays at group. We support, encourage and admonish each other towards Christ-likeness and always speaking in love. Discussion Group Role Cards. How can you create guidelines? ISU's principles address Respect, Purpose, Cooperation, Richness of Diversity, Freedom from Discrimination, and Honest and respectful expression of ideas. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race. It's not just for Las Vegas. If you would like assistance, please email the Inclusion & Equity Committee at The term ground rules was originally used to describe the rules of baseball that teams agreed to use in a particular venue, or grounds. Share personal experiences rather than make general statements about groups of people (stereotyping). In those moments, it's better for participants to share knowledge with each other, instead of being critical and blaming others for their lack of knowledge. No one wants to find out he or she has been the subject of gossip or well-meaning "prayer discussions." This is probably the most important ground rule of all. Gelula, M.H. Come prepared. Those rules were and still are necessary for. Collections, Help & This is true for everyone, regardless of our group (s). Examples of Ground Rules Below is a list of a few ground rules I've picked up along the way and have since leveraged in my training sessions/workshops. Even where thats not the case, facing the conflict reasonably, and looking at the roots of the ideas on each side, can help to focus on the issue at hand and provide solutions far better than if one side or the other simply operated alone. Make "undiscussable" ideas discussible. Boyce, K. (2002). Group members can receive and respond to respectful but honest and constructive feedback. Respect Differences? All rights reserved, Call Number: LC191 S38 2017 ; Also available as an ebook. Work begins long before you sit for the group discussion. Build trust and a sense of safety among group participants. DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. Ames, IA 50011-2102, Copyright 1995-2019 These categories include (but arent limited to): The need or desire for a group discussion might of course arise anytime, but there are some times when its particularly necessary. stream What behaviors am I most familiar or comfortable with? In the 1970s, a model for understanding managing conflict was created and from it the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) was born. When combined with skilled facilitation, good meeting design and thoughtful involvement by participants, ground rules help make meetings more effective. Each session will be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Ground rules help a group start and maintain a productive discussion. Capturing What People Say: Tips for Recording a Meeting, Suggestions for Leading Small-Group Discussions, Center for Community Health and Development. Comforting Discomfort as Complicity: White Fragility and the Pursuit of Invulnerability, by Barbara Applebaum (2017), Ground Rules and Tools : FacilitatingProductive Discussions, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, Ground Rules & Tools: Facilitating Productive Discussions. Ask dominant participants to allow others to speak. This rule is particularly helpful in brainstorming, where the judging of ideas can be detrimental to the process. _____________________________, Library Book Discussion Series, Fall2021. If participants are asked to read something, consider questions, complete a task, or otherwise prepare for the discussion, make sure that the assignment is attended to and used. Discussion is a powerful mechanism for active learning; a well-facilitated discussion allows the participant to explore new ideas while recognizing and valuing the contributions of others. Then she has to guide the discussion, being careful to promote an open process; involve everyone and let no one dominate; attend to the personal issues and needs of individual group members when they affect the group; summarize or clarify when appropriate; ask questions to keep the discussion moving, and put aside her own agenda, ego, and biases. Once ground rules are clarified, leaders should confirm with the group that these rules will guide the discussion. Ground Rules for Support Groups. You have some choices about how you do that, however. Ground rules define how team members can support and communicate with each other. Establish ground rules: Share personal experiences rather than make general statements about groups of people (stereotyping). This resource can be used to lead a group discussion about developing ground rules for how primary care team members communicate with each other. Invite inquiry into your views. 2. What do I bring to the group? Turn off/silence all cell phones, blackberries, etc. well explained so that students are very . Bring materials to help the discussion along. Group discussions are common in our society, and have a variety of purposes, from planning an intervention or initiative to mutual support to problem-solving to addressing an issue of local concern. Make sure everyone gets any necessary information, readings, or other material beforehand. Group discussions are common in a democratic society, and, as a community builder, its more than likely that you have been and will continue to be involved in many of them. Be willing to share information. The Community Tool Box is a service of the. Instead of invalidating somebody elses story with your own spin on her or his experience, share your own story and experience. How to have a Diversity and Inclusion Conversation. Be candid but respectful. Do your best to be open and honest during discussions. Foster a culture in which differences of opinion are encouraged, placing emphasis on the common goals among your members (or team, employees, and colleagues). Here are some common problems with suggestions for how to deal with them. Ground Rules for Group Discussion Listen with respect. If a goal must be reached in a short time period, a directive leader might help to keep the group focused. Support Group Ground Rules . Forsyth, D .Group Dynamics. When the group numbers eight or more, a leader or facilitator, whether formal or informal, is almost always helpful in ensuring an effective discussion. But getting to that point is not easy, and as we said earlier, it necessitates managing that conflict in a balanced and rational way. (1). Openly and honestly communicate with everyone. Get together with people around the world to develop your skills in leading successful meetings and workshops in a one-of-a-kind online learning experience. (2006). Encouraging participation can be accomplished by: adapted from: Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning Handbook, accessed July 2008. Critique the opinion, not the person. Confidentiality first. (4th edition). A good group discussion leader has to pay attention to the process and content of the discussion as well as to the people who make up the group. This can have a negative impact on the meeting. This can be done via a handout, posted on a wall, or projected on a . Provide sufficient time and space for participants to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions. The discussion stays focused on the issue at hand. Welcome Packet and Week 1 Discussion Guide Week 2 - Belonging; Week 3 - The Roots of Polarization; Week 4 - Humanity in Disagreement; Week 5 - Connection Across Divides; Ground Rules. Encourage people to consider their comments seriously, and to avoid becoming defensive if someone disagrees. Sometimes called 'ground rules,' community agreements, or participation norms (and there are several fuller examples below), such guidelines can be provided by an instructor or generated collaboratively with students. We will use theGround Rules below for our discussion group. Air concerns and differences among individuals or groups. Steinert, Y. If you have time to prepare beforehand, there are a number of things you may be able to do to make the participants more comfortable, and thus to make discussion easier. Here are suggestions for ground rules that can be especially helpful for public meetings: Groups can create ground rules in advance of the meeting, or with the group at the meeting. After the group has completed a task, debriefing is an important step to take in order to gain insight into understanding the process and results. Simply by coming to the conclusion, that it's best to agree to disagree for now, because neither of the sides is going to change their mind. GROUND RULES: Be willing to acknowledge that sexism and racism exist. Facilitating Political Discussions from the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts Universityis designed to assist experienced facilitators in training others to facilitate politically charged conversations. Group discussion rules showing structure and friendly conversation. % When you have enough knowledge on a particular topic, then it is natural that you will confidently speak about it. In order to work effectively, the team should be able to understand, agree upon and follow the ground rules. Group Rules Poster. Feel free to take part in refreshments or use the restroom at any time. An effective group discussion can lay the groundwork for action and real community change. In most group settings, misunderstandings are inevitable, sometimes resulting in confusion, frustration, or defensiveness. If you have the luxury of choosing your space, you might look for someplace thats comfortable and informal. Section 4. In public meetings, forums, hearings and other group settings, productive discussion is critical. A group leader or facilitator might be directive or non-directive; that is, she might try to control what goes on to a large extent; or she might assume that the group should be in control, and that her job is to facilitate the process. Each session will be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Strickland, Tessa, Kate DePalma, and David Dean. Speak from the I perspective: Avoid speaking for others by using we, us, or them.. If the group meets multiple times, repost rules at each meeting to orient new participants and remind others. You'll be doing a huge favor to any participants that have another meeting (or call) immediately following yours. Then ask if anyone has something to add to the list. Your contribution can help change lives. You also may be in a position to lead one, and thats what this section is about. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension. But if participants mutually explore the interest behind the positions, it becomes much easier to find a common ground. Talking about styles of communication is an excellent ice-breaker. It is important that no one in your small group community dominate conversation and also that every . Reframing - The focus can be on clarifying the assumptions behind the persons argument and then inviting her or him to see alternative possibilities. Second, each person has to share his style with the group. 6.1. Attempt to pursue a common goal, rather than individual goals. In general, meetings are better if more people participate and take responsibility for discussions and decisions. (Characteristics that may give you a unique perspective). Equity & Inclusion Group Ground Rules Adapted from UT Astronomy E&I Discussion Group Ground Rules by Caitlin Casey, Brandon Bozek, and Raquel Martinez. Try to think of the last time you had a conversation that was not easy: How did you feel before you began talking? In some cases, the opportunity to lead a group discussion can arise on the spur of the moment; in others, its a more formal arrangement, planned and expected. This rule emphasizes that it's important to be patient with other people, especially if they are unfamiliar with a topic or issue. Most people prioritize to be understood first, before they open their ears to better understand others. Listen to each other. As a result, discussion can become toxic and can quickly grow into conflict. Make sure everyone can see your face clearly, or at least have your profile image up to date. Be conscious of body language and nonverbal responses: They can be as disrespectful as words. Ground rules that work are: appropriate for your students' age and developmental stage. Join on time (or early). Develop the script to frame the purpose of the focus. The facilitator might say, What Im saying is, but now I'd like you to share your perspective. Turning the question back to the questioner forces him or her to take responsibility for his or her opinion. It may not have a specific goal many group discussions are just that: a group kicking around ideas on a particular topic. As instructors, offer points for participating in conversations. Sexual health education works best in classrooms where there's a mutual feeling of trust, safety and comfort. Create space in class for students to discuss in small groups. Ground rules are a short list of expectations to guide how a group works together. The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book. Listen actively: Listen to understand, not to respond. Participate to the fullest of your ability community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice. Give all participants a voice- at the start highlight the value of a diversity of perspectives as an essential part of the process. 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ground rules for group discussion