what happened to rock river arms

So an opportunity to block others selling in Illinois seemed like a quick and dirty way to make a few more bucks. Ive never had better customer service with any other business. Out of stock. Rock River Arms guarantees this pistol will shoot 2.5-inch groups at 50 yards with 185-grain Federal Gold Medal Match semi-wadcutter ammo. Rock River Arms is an American manufacturer of firearms that was founded in 1996. It happens ALL THE TIME, and with companies much larger than RRA. Because of rumors of canceled orders. Dam I just bought a new ranger officer model.Had I know this earlier I would not have bought it. Enjoy 45% Off Rock River Arms Goods At Walmart. LAR 8 is a nice weapon. After the backlash he closed down the store and retired. You are both dead to me now. That will never happen now. And by the way, sarcastically calling people badasses loses its effect when you get so butthurt by an article that you start calling the author a pu$$y. When the Maryland Leftistlature passed the odious Gun Safety Act of 2013, making it illegal to purchase many of the firearms made by the venerable Beretta concern, they responded by building their new facility in Tennessee, giving Maryland a stalwart raised middle finger and taking a considerable amount of tax revenue with them.. Ive not the least doubt that the rest of Beretta will eventually follow. Until I see some evidence that they knew of and/or supported this I will not rush to blame RRA for what a trade industry group that they happen to fund did. Bill Ruger retired from the company in 2000 and died in 2002. I have talked to people in person in TN that were overjoyed at having Beretta move there. IRS records have also been found that shows Reese is on the board of IFMA. Well also work on the NRA to start taking a firmer stance against rogue anti-2A manufacturers, no matter how much advertising space they buy. Do you rednecks and white trash go out of your way to get the their wrong every single time? And yes, they are actually closer to Iowa than to Chicago. you cant fix prices or youll get a shortage. I know people who continue to not buy Ruger even after his kids made up for the old mans traitorous ways. (This is in response to Mark). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I read somewhere that there is a city named Springfield in almost every state in the Union. Are you aware it was Bill Ruger who testified before Congress that nobody needs more than 10 rounds? Smith and Wessons deal with the Klinton regime also brought us the infamous and deplorable hillary hole internal lock. Theyd screw over their grandmother for a dime. Ruger today is a strong supporter of everything 2A. If people werent buying at these prices than there would be no market. Please focus on customer relations and positioning strategies. Taurus? Their entire C Suite should resign and they need to prove themselves. If only there was a place to run-and-gun in or near NWI. I got a 12 2a armament Mlok handguard from them for $148.97 and free shipping in September. RRA is pretty close to Iowa iirc. Theres no way to know for sure. The idea being that this bill is so toxic that Senators passing it or the Governor signing it will be drawn into a wide-ranging financial and criminal probe. Except they are both under different ownership today. I have an SA Profesional that I really like and was strongly considering a Custom Carry, but this turn of events gives me a real pause to that idea. Two more companies added to my do not buy from list. Rock Rivers LAR-15 NSP CAR is a lightweight, reliable, well-made and accurate AR carbine that is ready for duty right out of I have been casually looking at getting a 1911. To whom will they sell? 84283412342. Not cheap by any stretch of the imagination, but check out Fulton Armory: http://www.fulton-armory.com/M14-Rifles.aspx. Along with lost new sales, this boneheaded move will kill resale values. Yes, that is the cloud which is usually much larger than the silver lining. I thought it was great that they were living in the same liberal hell hole that I was living in. Even if its expensive, SA is in a better position to pay the fee than Hank and Ethels gun shop. No offense meant, I was just pointing out that Springfield Armory has no connection to the city of Springfield Illinois. If RRA didnt know about this and, as a sign of their disgust, drops their funding and membership in the trade group youd still hold them accountable? I look at their site and the parts were available from the same warehouses at a higher price. The firearms community will be better without them. Now I wish I had not. Didnt you read this article? Well, now. Only Ruger has in the past few years regularly donated millions to the NRA. WebA similar thing happened with Yeti and the NRA, where Yeti ended their NRA-specific discount program but included them in a broader discount program. Thats how capitalism works. Rock River Arms has a reputation for making high quality AR-15s, but they also have a reputation for being expensive. Beretta kicked Maryland to the curb for their ridiculous gun laws. Didnt Smith and Wesson do the same thing back in the Clinton era, and it nearly bankrupted them, let alone took them years to reclaim the trust of the gun community. Maybe worst of all, passage gives anti-gunners a win they desperately needed. Two companies provide the bulk of the funding for IFMA:Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A CEO that listens to the customer. Larson first said Rock River Arms had broken ties with the Illinois Firearms Manufacturing Association which is only a four member board. I posted a similar comment on another article about the same subject matter, but again, and for emphasis: SPRINGFIELD IS DEAD TO ME. Or in the General Assembly. once you jump in bed with the marketing types. 2) One of the Resses got caught doing something bad again, and a deal was reached to help anti-2nd forces in exchange for an investigation going away. If signed into law, the bill his lobbyist declined to oppose will drive many dealers out of business with its onerous and expensive restrictions and requirements. And unbelievably stupid of Springfield. 3/18/2013. This year, State Senator Don Harmon needed IFMA to end their opposition to his bill. Couple of Butler Buildings, concrete pad to support machinery loading, movers and a power hookup. Under no circumstances would they sell me any magazines. But they were happy to allow their lobbyist to finagle them a carve out. As for furniture, the BT 9 R9 Competition comes with a Hogue overmolded pistol grip and a four-position adjustable Rock River Arms buttstock. The company makes a wide variety of weapons, Sure, the majority will be DOA, but blue and swing states will see this get passed using this an example of good gun control that even firearms companies support. Its not just selling, genius. Id like to see Springfield make a correction here but it might be too late for that. Low character move. So Rock River spent at least $50.000 fund the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association. They MUST be boycotted into bankruptcy. This says a lot about the people running the company. Shocking I know. Its real easy for you people to bash a company when you dont own shit. Helps to have the older experience but not insurmountable. If youre looking begin your 3-Gun or short-stage PRS competition endeavors, the Rock River Arms RRAGE 2G may be your ticket. They keep voting for F#$%ing Democrats. Just to be clear, they are using the name of the original company of Springfield, but they are not located in the city of Springfield. Its not difficult. Audits of the players, including the lobbyist and relevant politicians, and FOIAs or something for pending investigations against all the same could prove enlightening. I live in Illinois. Whats more, Larsonseems genuinely appalled by what happened. S&W was owned by a British company who were forced to sell their company for pennies on the dollar. Very close to where I grew up. It washis lobbyist whostood aside on a bill that rations everyday Illinoisans to nine firearm transfers per year. Or how much it was going to take to replace them? Youve just restated Bill Rugers justification for selling out gun-rights so he could keep his company viable. For folks like me, it is no longer enough to be willing to fight and die for these rights, but to be willing to kill for them as well. And IFMA successfully lobbied and got a manufactures exemption this bill . Lower Half, A2 Stock Just From $410. Performance Tuned. Or companies selling imported crap that pretend to be American. Keller dropped IFMAs opposition, providing cover for a couple of wavering Senators to vote for the bill. Every damn one of you bad asses crying I wont buy from them again would have done the same thing. Thank you for bringing this issue to the forefront. Was also saving up for an m1a. This is a digital day/night scope. I would sell the xd .45 and the xdm 9mm I already have but I dont think there is much of a market for them now. As far as Im concerned, Smith and Wesson are still shit given they operate in communist MA and they should have packed up an left after what that bitch Maura Healey did last year. They are actively editing social media but refuse to address the issue. More interesting question: can Springfield even attempt to disavow at this point? That was just a small part of the problem. That alone is enough to put them out of business. The more concentrated the producers and sellers of firearms becomes the easier it will be to controlled and monitored. But I didnt detect a lot of love in his words. Folks like me are willing to kill for them. Good for them. However, the R-51 is a bear to clean and still hasnt proven itself totally for CC, coming off its well documented ill fated Gen 1 launch and Remingtons continued reliability issues. Rugers stated public position was screw every other gun manufacturer and screw the American gun owners, as long as Ruger makes it and we want government contracts! Do you know how much the dealer bought them for? Ruger sold us out on the 94 AWB and it is well documented. Its like trying to work with Bloomberg himself. If youve already implemented them, great. Done. You write as though weve been asleep. What gets me is there has been plenty of time and opportunity for damage control or to save face but they havent done anything to fix what theyve done. There is NOTHING I need from a company that is obviously manipulating the system for themselves. This story is libel. We need more FFLs down here so there will be some competition. Never, ever. Springfield makes decent guns but there are others out there. Hes told several industry types that he had no contact with IFMA lobbyist Jay Keller and knew nothing of this carve-out. Even being on this site makes you a hypocrite because TTAG regularly advertised for Glock, S&W and Springfield. Fuck Ruger as well. (And I can guarantee he would never speak to me like that in person.). Yes I am planning on moving. If I was a competitor, Id print up ten thousand flyers announcing Springfields decision and carpet the show with them. Most importantly, support our brothers in arms in Illinois. Screw that. Rock Rivers AR builds are superb, and they come in at a price thats quite reasonable (starting at $1,585). Dont need it, but I kinda like it. Good luck with that RRA. Hindsight is always 20/20 and the Liberal Dems are always after our Firearms Freedoms. Rock River's LAR-458 is the top pick for hunters because of its value, excellent trigger and superb accuracy. So, buying 5 and selling 4 is the limit. The XD and Saint are good guns, but they really arent all that different from a lot of other good guns on the market. Im sorry, I mean they would ask after putting you and your fliers in the dumpster. Illinois cant shut down a business that way No there is no way around it, RRA and Springfield decided their Illinois customers where not worth the trouble. Its pretty much just SA and RRA (and maybe a few tiny shops, but those are pretty much the only two big gun makers in Illinois). While it was a great pistol, the front strap checkering was just way too aggressive for bare hands. By the time most of them have and Springfield Arms starts looking for a new home, they wont be welcome there. All have been accurate and reliable. That doesnt change whats actually been proven that was three years ago. What would you have done differently if you ran SA or RRA with a workforce that is similarly trapped in soviet Illinois and depends on your company staying open and profitable to keep their jobs? Wasnt there big stink couple years ago about so called kitchen table FFLs not realy conducting business for living and just getting wholesale pricing on guns for themselves and their family members? No other IL manufacturers donated, not Armalite, not DSA, nada. SA created it). Granted, the company isnt run by a Henry these days but I thought the paper trail of ownership was fairly clear and unbroken. Both Ruger and S&W learned from their mistakes, I do not know if these two can. After the next civil war, we wont allow another one. An M1A was at the top of my wish list that I saving for. Bill is long gone and the last 15yrs of Ruger leadership have taken a much different stance. Its about the same price as an M1A. As an Illinois dealer, I will no longer stock, sell or support Rock River Arms or Springfield Armory products. I think a hit to Springfield sales should get them leaning on the IFMA (who should be facing a hit to subscribers) enough for the IFMA to not fold in the future. Im appalled that Rock River thinks that we are that gullible.. That kind of thing actually happens all the time in lobbying. Major mistake, Springfield. No lobbyist will take a position without their clients approval, because THE CLIENT PAYS THE LOBBYISTS SALARY. Half of those are national groups out of Washington, D.C., that have set up shop inSpringfield hotels. Mostly out of states with onerous laws and heavy taxation. Nice deal on it until 4 July as well. Good for them, too. What would I do if I was RRA and SAI? This was a bit disingenuous because, basically, both companies were Cant beat that! RRA IS THE ONLY COMPANY THAT CAN MAKE A RELIABLE AR-10. Today, we have nearly one dozen gun control groups working in Illinois. The company was founded in 1996 by brothers Mark and Lynne Zanders. In my collection i have a M1A, a Socom 16, a XDM in 45 and a XDmod2 in 9mm. Some mightsay IFMAs change of heart might not have made a definitive difference. Last trip to the range, ran a couple hundred rounds of all flavors through it without an FTE/FTF. Easy there tough guy. Going the other direction nobody would move. When I explained that sales were still legal before the SAFE Act deadline went into force, they still refused. Ive bought 4 guns in the last year and a half since they opened their store. Includes larger .1555 MSRP: $111.99 $75.81. This Rock River PCC shows itself to be a well-engineered carbine ready to work (and look good doing it). Since 2002. Its called doing business. They ONLY DO WHAT THEIR CLIENTS TELL THEM TO DO. I think they and Illinois deserve each other and I hope they both end up on the wrong end of history. AND everyone that the lobbyist represents must be in agreement. At least Henry, like Ruger, is 100% American. Having this blow up the day before a brand-new product launch at the NRA convention is basically the exact opposite of fortuitous timings for Springfield. With the Hillarys loss there is no longer a looming gun ban on the horizon and the firearm industry and market is facing a correction. Watch the TonyBen videos on YouTube. Was very interested in this new pistol too as a possible single-stack semi-auto alternative to my J-frame. The original company lives on today under the name Winche ster. I bought 6 smith & wessons before I ever knew about the incident. Rock River Arms had one seat. That being said, even if we do, Springfield is done as a company. And no one calls or emails the company that is one of the largest contributor the IFMA group. Pick something and follow it. And whats worse, if it passes, Bloomberg will attempt to duplicate this legislation in all 50 states. They have a good ongoing business, why jeopardize it? God Bless America, As a dealer I will no longer suggest either one of these firearm companies to my customers or stock them there are many other fine firearms on the market. They are more than welcome in southern Indiana. Gun owners have good memories, it will take a year but Springfield like Target will notice their mistake on their Revenue numbers and blame the weather, the president, insert excuse here. The LWRC, DD and BCM are ALL over $1300. WARNING: The products offered for sale on this website can expose you to chemicals which are known to the State One dealer told me hes pulling Springfield product from his shelves to give his salespeople a break from carping customers. Its easy for consumers to march elsewhere, skilled Illinois tradespeople may not be so lucky. Start by giving everyone involved a TSA-style probe. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I have LOUDLY mentioned their treachery on the dozens of FB groups I belong to. Ive never had an issue with CTD in a decade. How is he still employed? Thanks a bunch pricks! After asking you if youd like to sign up for a membership, and cc insurance. How is it that they even survived to change in the first place? After the event I hadnt seen a shipping notification. Im not buying a damn thing from Springfield and there is NO EXPIRATION DATE ON THAT. I just bought a DDM4V11 in January at an unheard of, low price of $1369. Search Ruger anti gun. This new model is the latest in the growing line of rifles and pistols based on the RRAGE platform. If these dam gun man. No, they stood by and let their customers get screwed. And if stooges like you thought this could be run under the table without anyone noticing, well, guess you should be mindful of your business in the next few quarters. Your Price: $744.13. In short, this means rifle-makers need to adapt, and one company taking that step is Rock River Arms (RRA) with its LAR-15 Operator III in 5.56mm NATO. I buy and shoot a lot of guns, and this includes SA models, but I have put them on notice that I will never buy another unless they make this right. I dont think the current owner is going to make that same mistake although I wish they would just stop putting in that stupid lock already. CTD are dirtbags plain and simple. Get a Dan Wesson instead. I bought my first Rock Do they somehow know the licensing scheme is going to be corrupt or extremely expensive? Rock River LAR-8 .308. Post interesting results everywhere. Did you expect anything less than shady from the Illinois legislature? And their quality has never wavered (damn straight). Not a nice odor. No offense intended. The lobbyist for the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association (IFMA), Jay Keller,traded that groups opposition to the bill in exchange for a carve-out, removing PrairieState firearms manufacturers from the licensing requirements. About three years ago, RRAs Elite Operator hit the market sporting features designed specifically for professionals. People Of The Gun have long memories. From what I gathered from this article and all the information I viewed about this organization its hard to say just how much control SA and RRA has over the Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association. If it is a 16" it is 5.56, which the Entry Tactical is. cant hornor us people gun rights I say F THEM ALL. We do not need traitors in our midst. What if I want to get some real nice (read expensive) gun and in order to spare my familys budget I decide to sell part of my gun collection? Sure enough, the bill passed theSenate by a single vote. Well do our part in other states to support you. Oh yes, Illinois folks: start an ACTIVE campaign outing all the IL Representatives that voted for the bill. That is amazingly They also make an Original Henry Rifle. Maybe there is a Mrs. Reese or someone or something burning cash on the side (gambling, drugs, who knows) that is consuming profit faster than SA can generate it. Does anyone really buy RRAs BS, We didnt know? They did what they had to do to stay profitable just like companies in Kalifornia and NewYork and liberal bastions. thats the one ive just stopped considering. If theres a silver lining here, this law should be shot down by the courts. Any I have to ask WHY? You see once you jump in bed with the marketing types and throw millions at image you quickly discover that your rudder fell off long ago and now youre not sure what you stand forif anything. Great comment, but I dont think it is enough. It may not even pass the House. A big reason that these rifles shoot so well is the barrel. The barrels Rock River use come from the Connecticut-based company, Wilson Arms (wilsonarms.com). Wilson makes the barrel, contours it and starts the chambering process. I totally agree Travis. Rock Bolt Gun Rbg-1s Starting At $4,450. So, if youre looking for a cheap AR-15, Rock His quote was basically the above damned if I do damned if I dont and that it wasnt worth the headache. Springfield Armory is a dishonest operation from stem to stern. Then beg for forgiveness. Im both an Illinois resident and a SA collector with over half of my collection being custom and box SA products. With an MSRP of $860, it is a capable rifle at great price point. Well, not basically, they did. Totally revitalized the economy of an American community with their 3rd plant. Meaning they are NOT a legal lobbyist. Neither will have the working capitol to sustain a relocation. Dicks/Field & Stream, Troy, Hexmag, RRA, Springfield Arms, Target, CTD, et al, are making it hard on themselves.They are alienating their demographic. Its like saying Saturn is really, really big, and huge, too! That should be true. The company SHOULD be boycotted even if they shuffle management. They rebrand the HS2000 as the XD and jack up the price $200. It doesnt have to be both for the same reason. Never buying anything from springfield ever again and my one xdm is up for sale as of yesterdayI dont even want it in my safe. Might want to rethink Ruger as well. Dennis Reeses statement to TTAGon IFMAs deal was insulting. This companys name is Mudd. Good luck RRA. I used to have a TRP. Colona, IL (May 2020) Rock River Arms, one of the industry leaders in AR-platform firearms, expands its line of defensive semi-autos with the introduction of the RRAGE 10.5-inch pistol. ! mantra. However, if youre willing to spend a little extra money on your rifle, Rock River Arms is definitely worth considering. Illinoying is pushing to get shut down. If you dont like their price dont buy. Anyway, at least for now, I will bide my time and see if Springfield repents and takes positive actions to atone for their irrational IL acts. Henry and Ruger for the win. Springfield Armorys Defend your legacy has a huge hypocritical meaning now. Who the hell made this business decision and have they been fired yet? THEY MUST PARISH AND EVERYONE WHO DOESNT BACK ME IM GONNA CURSE AT AND BE MEAN TO!!! Out of stock Compare. The vast majority of companies can do what they want to, but have have to insist that firearms companies fight for the 2nd EVEN WHEN ITS NOT IN THEIR COMPLETE SELF INTEREST TO DO SO. I wont name them, but the sales people at certain companies worked hard (and maybe even fudged some dates on paperwork) to make sure that I got my magazines before the deadline in the law hit. You have entered an incorrect email address! when supply cant meet demand, then the price increases.. this draws more suppliers into the market to meet demand and you see the price decrease. How does a company respond to pernicious laws and an atmosphere which is detrimental to the People of the Gun? After Bill Ruger died, Ruger also dramatically changed direction. No further recommendation about the products will be made. AR-15 Parts. How does what a lobbying group receives from a company 3 years ago translate to what the lobbying group does in the present? I was just about to order another springfield xdm .45. Brownells, Midway, Primary arms, Rainer, Wing Tactical, and SG Ammo are my favorite online retailers. So I went on a buying spree. So how is screwing your loyal customer base and flipping them the bird to their faces sound business policy? Damn shame. Well after reading this and let me add no love for blue Illinois my days with SA are over. Thankfully, many of the downstate Dems are staunchly pro-gun. No Springfield guns for me. (3) Rock River Arms LAR-15 Tactical CAR A4 223 Remington/5.56 NATO Carbine $ 684.99. Did Springfield get shouted down at their own party? This is income tax refund time. WebRock River Arms AR15 Uppers for Sale at Joe Bob Outfitters! When no one else had any left. You can not name another firearms manufacture today that has done more than Ruger to support the NRA, the 2A and firearms owners. As if they want to implode. RRA donated money as well I think they knew about stuff going on, but want to pretend they did not. Hes told several industry types that he had no contact with IFMA lobbyist Jay Keller and knew nothing of this carve-out. The innovation and embracing of modern ideas weve seen the last 10yrs (MSRs, suppressors, polymer everything, etc) never would have happened under Bill. Another dealer told me he wished Springfield well. Made in US, SSteel frame, ambi controls, no mag safety, field strips/assembles in less than a minute with no tools or pulling trigger. Enjoy shooting it, and the second one if you buy one. This attention to accuracy is especially evident in Rock Rivers new model, the Advanced Tactical Hunter V2 (ATH V2). Local politicians always give tax incentives to move. Im a New Yorker. Whats more, Larson seems genuinely appalled by what happened. and thats where the idea of 10 round limit for magazines originated,right from the mouth of Bill Ruger. One of the few cases of sincere contrition. And dont give me this they have changed nonsense. We will support our Illinois brethren and NOT purchase anything from Springfield Armory or RRA. AR-10-style rifles, the Rock River Arms LAR-8 stands alone. I cannot in good conscience support in any way a company that would pull this kind of stunt. Yes, very disappointed. Like other gun-manufacturers Springfield can move its operations to a gun-friendly state. Anytown on I80 feels like the Chicago area to the downstaters. Go and ask them and Youtube/Periscope their responses. Even cosmetologists and lawyers. 2nd Amendment Supporters are up in "Arms" pun intended about the News broken by The Truth About Guns article concerning recent state licensing for all Illinois gun dealers that IFMA (Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association) a lobbying group back by Springfield Armory and Rock River Rock River Arms has built a reputation as a quality maker of modern sporting rifles and offers an extremely diverse list of models and options. Changed direction allow their lobbyist to finagle them a carve out 2A armament Mlok handguard from them for $ and. It happens all the time, and huge, too Wessons before I knew. 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Is no EXPIRATION DATE on that an original Henry rifle today under the Winche. That is obviously manipulating the system for themselves who continue to not buy from for... Entire C Suite should resign and they need to prove themselves offense meant, I was a bit because... Rock River Arms has a reputation for making high quality AR-15s, but want to pretend they did what had. Near NWI Entry Tactical is A2 Stock just from $ 410 testified before Congress that nobody needs more 10. Editing social media but refuse to address the issue that I was living the...

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what happened to rock river arms