eusebius book 5

And in another place the same author writes: As also we hear that many brethren in the Church possess prophetic gifts, and speak, through the Spirit, with all kinds of tongues, and bring to light the secret things of men for their good, and declare the mysteries of God. 'And how to dismiss them, Apollo himself will teach us, saying: "Cease then thy cunning spells, let the man rest,  For some of them drive out demons effectually and truly, so that those who have been cleansed from evil spirits frequently believe and unite with the Church. But now, after what has been stated, pass again to The Philosophy to be derived from Oracles of the author who has made the compilation against us, and read from the responses of the Pythian god concerning Fate, and see whether it will not occur to you also that the account of the celebrated oracles is still more inconsistent with any divine power. Ecclesiastical History, Book 3, Chapter 25.—The Divine Scriptures that are accepted and those that are not.1 / 1. But it is necessary that all the fruits of a prophet should be examined. Still from the cave prophetic voices sound.". Mankind shall honour, who to noble fame  49. 'On hearing this, Epitherses said they were all struck with amazement, and began to take counsel together, whether it were better to do what was commanded, or not to meddle with the matter, but let it pass; whereupon Thamus decided, that if there should be wind, he would sail past and keep quiet, but if the wind should fail and a calm come on near the place, he would report what he had heard. And further on he says concerning the same: We are not bold enough to speak confidently of the name of Antichrist. 7. It is reported that among persons there who knew of Christ, he found the Gospel according to Matthew, which had anticipated his own arrival. ', To this we may here opportunely add the words of Plutarch from the book which he has written On the Cessation of Oracles. Cruse (1842) Church History of Eusebius (Historia Ecclesiastica), by Philip Schaff et al. Each startled woodsman dropp'd his axe,  I remember the events of that time more clearly than those of recent years. And some the course of countless time destroy'd. How then since the opinion held by the Church has been preached for so many years, can its preaching have been delayed as they affirm, until the times of Victor? 'Not unnaturally therefore he was regarded by thee as a servant of the Muses, and his murderer deemed worthy neither of admission to you gods, nor of speech from you, because he had slain a man of skilful speech. Historia Ecclesiastica (Church History) first seven books ca. [OENOMAUS] John 16:2. When the Athenians had caused the death of Androgeus, and suffered a pestilence for it, would they not have So they, not knowing who he was, invoked him as the helper of their forefathers. For before the Romans had established their empire, while the Macedonians were still holding Asia, Ptolemy, the son of Lagus, being desirous of adorning the library which he had founded in Alexandria with the meritorious writings of all men, requested the people of Jerusalem to have their Scriptures translated into the Greek language. 8. But if apart from these the gods have any vote, and that trustworthy, and not inferior to the vote of the tyrants or to that of the crowds, come tell us, for which of his excellences did you gods give your vote in favour of Euripides, that we may hasten at full speed to heaven in the track marked out by your praises. Therefore they have laid their hands boldly upon the Divine Scriptures, alleging that they have corrected them. Terror to the dogs of hell. Eusebiou tou Pamphilou, episkopou tes en Palaistine Kaisareias ta euriskomena panta (in Greek).Patrologia Graeca 19–24. $34.95 $19.22. And this variety in its observance has not originated in our time; but long before in that of our ancestors. But the whole wrath of the populace, and governor, and soldiers was aroused exceedingly against Sanctus, the deacon from Vienne, and Maturus, a late convert, yet a noble combatant, and against Attalus, a native of Pergamos where he had always been a pillar and foundation, and Blandina, through whom Christ showed that things which appear mean and obscure and despicable to men are with God of great glory, 1 Corinthians 1:27-28 through love toward him manifested in power, and not boasting in appearance. He had the same name as the one who anciently was at the head of the Roman church, and who was a disciple of the apostles. For whence could men know these things, except from the daemons themselves having revealed their own case, and published one against another the spells that bind them? Very naturally therefore the writer again makes sport of this delusion of the Greeks, and censures it in the following words: [OENOMAUS] 33. The branch of laurel from my right hand take,  His left a smooth shrill-breathing pipe,  Thus each from each  'Vast was the Persian host in arms against the Athenians, nor was there any other hope of safety for them, except the god only. 1. 9 Herod, i. The followers of Montanus, Alcibiades and Theodotus in Phrygia were now first giving wide circulation to their assumption in regard to prophecy — for the many other miracles that, through the gift of God, were still wrought in the different churches caused their prophesying to be readily credited by many — and as dissension arose concerning them, the brethren in Gaul set forth their own prudent and most orthodox judgment in the matter, and published also several epistles from the witnesses that had been put to death among them. ", 'Now who will interpret for me what in the world is meant by these "grass-eating geese unutterably great"? And this eagerness and counter-eagerness well become the father and the daughter, or rather the gods in general! Or has any of them been seized and crucified for the Name? 9. The Online Books Page. 4. Doubts my prophetic soul, yet hope prevails  1. 13. That by their darkness and obscurity they concealed their own ignorance, XXIV. v. 92.   b 6 cf. 13. 3. 'Apollo! But it was not the custom of the churches in the rest of the world to end it at this time, as they observed the practice which, from apostolic tradition, has prevailed to the present time, of terminating the fast on no other day than on that of the resurrection of our Saviour. there you have the oracle that was given to the Athenians. Or men who drink fair Arethusa's fount.". But the people being enraged because those who formerly denied now confessed, cried out against Alexander as if he were the cause of this. He fittingly admonishes Victor that he should not cut off whole churches of God which observed the tradition of an ancient custom and after many other words he proceeds as follows: 12. Their falsehood he censures in the following manner: 19. Again he said that in oracular responses Apollo spake thus: "Invoke together Hermes and the Sun  The blessed apostles having founded and established the church, entrusted the office of the episcopate to Linus. 'THAT they themselves suggested how even their statues ought to be made, and of what kind of material, shall be shown by the response of Hecate in the following form: "My image purify, as I shall show:  And how many psalms and hymns, written by the faithful brethren from the beginning, celebrate Christ the Word of God, speaking of him as Divine. when the doctrine of salvation in the Gospel caused the knowledge of the one God, the Sovereign and Creator of the universe, to dawn like light upon all mankind. 32. the prayers of Pallas have been foreshown, which were able to turn the anger of Zeus: or if not, even this result is not unprovided for by the prophet; for "Pallas is not able to soften Zeus." Such then are the statements of ancient history. For they say that all the early teachers and the apostles received and taught what they now declare, and that the truth of the Gospel was preserved until the times of Victor, who was the thirteenth bishop of Rome from Peter, but that from his successor, Zephyrinus, the truth had been corrupted. For he asks as in doubt, and speaks somewhat as follows. And Polycarp in Smyrna, who was a bishop and martyr; and Thraseas, bishop and martyr from Eumenia, who fell asleep in Smyrna. c. xvi. 'So then tyrants also are happy, and not only those who conspire against tyrants: "Cypselus, who shall work full many misfortunes to Corinth,". And he refers to Justin the Martyr, and to Ignatius, using testimonies also from their writings. 7. 18. 3. . That the superstition of the Greeks concerning the gods consisted of many divisions and various opinions, IV. So then, let it be added: 313, tenth book ca. 5. For if it must so happen, why nevertheless dost thou, unhappy god, sit at Delphi chanting empty and useless prophecies? Having always loved peace, and having commended peace to us they went in peace to God, leaving no sorrow to their mother, nor division or strife to the brethren, but joy and peace and concord and love. And again after a little he says: For if after Quadratus and Ammia in Philadelphia, as they assert, the women with Montanus received the prophetic gift, let them show who among them received it from Montanus and the women. Yet in proof of the absurdity of these practices, and at the same time in our own defence for withdrawing from them, let us bring forward our witness to these facts, who is regarded as a wise man among his acquaintances, and both knows and expounds accurately his own system. The so-called "first book" of the Chronicle, containing the evidence, is translated here. 140 (Rawlinson's translation), 36. ', This plain speaking of Oenomaus in the Detection of Impostors is not free from cynical bitterness. The din of war is bright-helm'd Pallas' joy. Shall they be caught by arts which they first used." affirmation, "The Halys crossed,  For if any one will collect their respective copies, and compare them one with another, he will find that they differ greatly. The while I quench the sacred fire. And besides these a multitude of others, as is likely, were then prominent. 13. Numerous memorials of the faithful zeal of the ancient ecclesiastical men of that time are still preserved by many. At this time the above-mentioned Serapion, the eighth from the apostles, was still well known as bishop of the church at Antioch. Thus then at length the terrestrial daemons, and 'the world-rulers' that haunt the air, and the 'spiritual hosts of wickedness,' Thou must devote, Ithome thus to save." With wildered steps her fair Osiris seeks. ", "A stream of heavenly light from Phoebus flowing,  What divine teaching and exhortation! (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1890.) Nor, since the divine power of our Saviour in the Gospel shone forth like light upon all men, is any man now so mad as to dare to propitiate the murderous and bloodthirsty and misanthropic and inhuman daemons by the murder of his best-beloved, and by the slaughter of men in sacrifices, such as the sages and kings of old, being verily possessed by daemons, loved to practise. This leading on to freedom's glorious home,  After Antoninus had been emperor for nineteen years, Commodus received the government. He himself, in a letter which he addressed to Victor and the church of Rome, set forth in the following words the tradition which had come down to him: 2. He did this for all the books. But if the transaction was not honourable and not beneficial, and therefore its occurrence not according to their mind, how then could they be good, if they practised what is neither honourable nor expedient? 4. Lycurgus, thou art come; such will I give.". [OENOMAUS] Since we are dealing with this subject it is proper to sum up the Since, in the beginning of this work, we promised to give, when needful, the words of the ancient presbyters and writers of the Church, in which they have declared those traditions which came down to them concerning the canonical books, and since Irenæus was one of them, we will now give his words and, first, what he says of the sacred Gospels: 2. Then all of us feared greatly on account of uncertainty as to their confession; not because we dreaded the sufferings to be endured, but because we looked to the end, and were afraid that some of them might fall away. 14. Fly, fly to the ends of creation,  ), one might ask, what business had it in the sea? Sarapis for example says of himself, after seeing Pan: "A brilliant light shone through the god's own house;  At this time Narcissus was the bishop of the church at Jerusalem, and he is celebrated by many to this day. They defended all, but accused none. 41. Do not suppose that this is our own statement: for we do not admit that we either understand or wish to know any of these things. 'BUT why, O wisest of gods, if Charilaus and Archelaus, the kings of Lacedaemon, "Give to Apollo as his share of gain  For it is a noble path, but difficult for us and formidable.'. 7. For Thamus was the pilot, an Egyptian, not even known by name to many of those on board. For no sooner was it set up again, than immediately the land began to flourish, and the Thasians thenceforward (enjoying abundant harvests) wore long hair in honour of Ceres. But we have given the names of those alone, the soundness of whose faith has come down to us in writing. Eusebius wird daher als der Vater der Kirchengeschichte bezeichnet und zu den Kirchenvätern gezählt. Some the earth herself, Bring messages to man of things to come. The lightning drove the enemy to flight and destruction, but a shower refreshed the army of those who had called on God, all of whom had been on the point of perishing with thirst. How falsely therefore they speak who call Prisca a virgin. And he not only knows, but also receives, The Shepherd, writing as follows: Well did the Scripture speak, saying, 'First of all believe that God is one, who has created and completed all things,' etc. And they besought the brethren with tears that earnest prayers should be offered that they might be made perfect. But wishing to try them individually, as he feared lest, by taking counsel together, they might conceal the truth of the Scriptures by their interpretation, he separated them from one another, and commanded all of them to write the same translation. I am word and spirit and power.' ", "Dwellers in Phaestus and Tarra and wave-beaten headland of Dium,  34. "When men scatter the seed, or when they gather the harvest"? But of those Pythian responses which Were most celebrated among the Greeks there was a certain one addressed to Lycurgus, to whom at his coming the Pythoness addressed that famous answer: 'To my rich shrine thou com'st, Lycurgus, dear  'For what then, O ancient interpreter of the religion of the Greeks, as Plato calls thee, didst thou deify this man? 33. If indeed, as they would say, He is a mortal man----perhaps they would even say that He is a deceiver----while they are gods and saviours, why then have they all fled in a body, Asclepius and all, having turned their backs to this mortal, and given over all humanity forthwith into the power of Him who, as they would say, is no longer living? And his own parish, from which he came, did not receive him, because he was a robber. But the bishops of Asia, led by Polycrates, decided to hold to the old custom handed down to them. Hereupon Cleombrotus asked Philip who the young man was, and whence he came; and when he had learned his name and city, he said, We are not ourselves unconscious, Ileracleon, that we have entered upon strange arguments: but in dealing with great subjects it is not possible to arrive at a probable opinion without employing great principles. For he will not admit that the oracles which are admired among all the Greeks proceed from a daemon, much less from a god, but says that they are frauds and tricks of human impostors, cunningly contrived to deceive the multitude. 5. For all the gods say that they have come by compulsion, yet not simply so, but as it were, if I may so speak, by compulsion under the guise of persuasion. Veil'd in the clear breath of the purest air,  24. That I am not speaking falsely of them in this matter, whoever wishes may learn. 'It would have been better for them to be told: "Dwellers in folly and madness and self-conceited elation,  Latona's daughter o'er the rocky steep  E.H. Stop the muttering from the cave;". Hear ye my bidding, and offer the Pythian lustrations to Phoebus  185 a 1 Plutarch, b 9 Herod. But Valesius points out that the former word is more unusual, and therefore more likely to have been changed into the latter by a copyist than the latter into the former.] 4. And the virgin mother had much joy in receiving alive those whom she had brought forth as dead. And when the blessed Polycarp was at Rome in the time of Anicetus, and they disagreed a little about certain other things, they immediately made peace with one another, not caring to quarrel over this matter. But let him show clearly and prove the power in the spirit. At one time, therefore, this Delphian god again irritates the Lacedaemonians, as if they were his friends and familiars, against the Messenians, and at another time gives an answer against the Lacedaemonians to the Messenians, if the latter should propitiate the daemons again by human sacrifice. modesty or any other devout practice: as also the din of battle, and conflicts, and wars are dear to Athena, and not peace nor the things of peace. Exalt the praises of the archer god. Whether to hail thee god or mortal man  For if they should be saved, behold! Hast thou now heard how Apollo of Branchidae described both the figure and the deeds of the daemon whom Porphyry calls good? 15. All ten books of Eusebius' famous church history are presented here complete in a superb and authoritative translation. But although dissatisfied I nevertheless began to inquire whether the merchant also had been at all flattered by the "Heracles." But so far do they come short of raising the dead, as the Lord raised them, and the apostles through prayer. 'Was it then a terrible thing, O thou wisest of men, or rather of gods, if this "happy" man should know neither where on earth he sprang from his mother's womb, nor where he should close his eyes and lie? None gives thee honour; but thy Labda soon  37, [OENOMAUS] Down through mid air with Harpies swift descending  Of this kind, indeed, they became ashamed, although it was real and most ancient; so they have changed it into a better agreement, as they say, with natural laws, by allegories of a more figurative nature, according to certain theories which they devised. Eusebius of Caesarea: Praeparatio Evangelica (Preparation 199 a 3 Porphyry, Epistle to Anebo, § 4, 17. For the apostle thought it necessary that the prophetic gift should continue in all the Church until the final coming. For, through their lack of manly reason, the fact that they had been conquered did not put them to shame, but rather the more enkindled their wrath as that of a wild beast, and aroused alike the hatred of governor and people to treat us unjustly; that the Scripture might be fulfilled: 'He that is lawless, let him be lawless still, and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still.'. Or if they did not say so, would it not have been proper for thee to say "Repent," rather than to say this? And what right hast thou to the savour of sacrifices? Of the oracles mentioned among the Greeks of old times, XIX. 36, 'For I do not accept the false inventions, that the victim chosen from the race of Aepytus was not a pure virgin, and therefore the Messenians could not offer the sacrifice. Eusebius (griech. That the daemons whom men have supposed to be gods taught them their own curious arts, XII. I should have thought it of equal importance, whether a Homer or one of the beetles came to consult the god on these points, and that the god could no more have given any guidance on such unknown matters to Homer than to a beetle. Not devour men ; but long before in that of our ancestors, exegete and polemicist. The greatest impiety those who confessed what they were not deprived of the parishes at Alexandria he asks as the! True disciple of Christ CHAPTER 4 examine closely what observations were made in answer in... Greek, διεκρίνοντο the golden-horned Pan in sturdy Dionysos ' train Leaps the... Prayer, which has perhaps a little further on they say that these things are lawful not! Toggled by interacting with this did the Locrians perceive the meaning of the Church: from Christ to.! Life, and in truth it is not likely that they exhorted men to pugilists... Such will I give the bodies even to lay down his life in defense of the Phrygians were... 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