psalm 116 spurgeon

Do it, beloved, let your hearts now pour themselves out in silence, and afterwards in grateful song before the Lord. In the courts of the LORD’S house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Prayer to God has always succeeded, why should we not continue it? The LORD preserveth the simple: You clever men take heed of this. “Therefore.” You see this was given as a reason, but the Psalmist is so full that what was a reason for love now becomes a reason for something else. Psalms 116:14-16. “Therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.” I speed so well in prayer that I will keep on in that blessed business. Psalms 116:5. What you have written of yourself, you might have written of each one of us, and we can each one say, ‘I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.’”. “The Lord preserveth the simple” — the plain, hearty, honest, sincere, sometimes ridiculed for their want of cunning. It is a great blessing if we are able to say, as David did, that we are born into God’s house. You cannot help loving God if he has heard your prayers. Happy man who has got right away from everything to his God. He felt as if he had been hunted. - Oscar Cullmann, Immortality or Resurrection? My soul lives on his bounty again. The Immortality of the Soul: A Protest - Joseph Agar Beet D.D. He did not have to search for a form of prayer, his words were such as came naturally to his mind; and that is the best sort of prayer which arises out of the heart’s sincere desire. All you who have plied the trade of mendicants at the mercy-seat must have been so enriched by it in your souls that you are determined to stand there as long as you live.” Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.” This is sound reasoning, for even the emotions of believers, when they are most fervent, are based upon solid reasons. He wrote (cited by C. H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David [Baker], 5:337), This is my psalm, my chosen psalm. Then you will have to come to God, and God alone, and you will never find him fail you. They are among his precious things. Then I called on the name of the LORD: “Please, LORD, save me!” How kind the LORD is! Psalms 116:12. And uncommonly near the truth he came, even though he was in a hurry in saying it, for if you trust in any men, they must be liars to you. As he recalls all this, he longs to make some return by way of praise, and witness to others. Psalms 116:3. I suppose the psalmist meant that, because Jehovah had heard him, therefore he would never call upon any false god; but, as long as he lived, he would resort to the one living and true God. O LORD, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds. Death wrapped its ropes around me; the terrors of the grave overtook me. Then called I upon the name of the LORD. He has laid his ear down to my lips. Spurgeon, in "Eccentric Preachers", 1880. He must love the Lord when he recollects what poor prayers his were, what great blessings came in answer to them, and how speedily and how often God has heard his prayers, and granted his requests. Hence he now inquires. Psalms 116:10-11. Then is it free, and not till then. The brooks of the earth are dry in summer, and frozen in winter. As in hunting, they sometimes surround the stag with dogs as with a cordon, so he says, “the sorrows of death compassed me. I was brought low, and he helped me. There is no freedom of the will till grace has bound the will in fetters of divine affection. Psalms 116:3-4. In Psalm 16, I believe the emotion that David is expressing is this: Satisfaction with God. Well does he delight to look upon himself as a slave that was born in his Master’s house. This is a continuation of the Paschal Hallel, and therefore must in some measure be interpreted in connection with the coming out of Egypt. As I read these words, they seem as if they were written for me. Can you imagine a better reason for love? I love the LORD, because He has heardMy voice and my supplications.Because He has inclined His ear to me,Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.a. Here we see gratitude is springing up in this man’s breast. And if you want to know how this can be, look at Calvary, where Jesus dies that we may live. Can you say that, dear friends? I am the son of thy handmaid.” Oh! No: we begin as he did, with “I love the Lord.” Tell what the Lord has done for you, and then go on to, “What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits toward me?”. I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD. They were all round me. And as long as we live we shall find out the best way of living — to live from hand to mouth — from God’s hand to our mouth — by continual prayer. A good reason for love will be found in the closet where prayer is answered. In the Greek Septuagint version of the bible, and in its Latin translation in the Vulgate, this psalm is Psalm 114 and 115 in a slightly different numbering system. I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living. I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD, I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people. Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; Wonderful combination — gracious and yet righteous. I can say to the Lord, “I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid;” and I have no greater wish than that all my descendants may be the Lord’s. Some old Bibles make Psalm 116 into 2 psalms: verses 1-9 is the first, verses 10-18 the second. Oh! There are times of sorrow when she who is the partner of your bosom cannot find you alleviation. Here is a second flower on this stalk. . That is to say, as he has dealt so well with me, I will always deal well with him. SUBJECT. “He hath inclined his ear.” He has heard my prayer, when I could hardly hear it myself. That is the enjoyable illustration of the grand truth. Hebrews 6:4-8 on Apostasy - I will call on him as long as I live. "I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplication. Psalms 116:3. There are times of sorrow when she who is the partner of your bosom cannot find you alleviation. Old Testament Prophecy Fulfilled in Christ. Often the end of yourself is the beginning of your God. Hints to the Village Preacher. He will help us. Psalms 116:13. Psalms 116:10-11. “I was brought low, and he helped me.”. Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross - James P. Shelly w/ audio, A Treatise of Earthly-Mindedness - Jeremiah Burroughs. HELL: When it is all over with you, still pray. Psalms 116:2. Psalms 116:4. He is good, gracious, kind, bountiful, loving; yea, God is love. The whole Psalm is one of joyous thanksgiving because of God’s mercy to the singer. Should Pastors Be Salaried? Many superficial readers have imagined that it harps upon one string and abounds in pious repetitions and redundancies. It is twice found in the Apocalypse, Re 11:13 16:11. Purgatory: Purifying Fire or Fatal Fable? A curious mixture. Psalms 116:16. My sin had pushed his ear away, but he has brought his head back again, and inclined his ear unto me. “Then called I upon the name of the Lord.” And what was his prayer? We have tried the fountain of living waters, why should we go to broken cisterns that can hold no water? A curious mixture. The psalmist was like a poor worm in a ring of fire: “the sorrows of death compassed me.” The sheriff’s officer seemed to hold him in his grip: “the pains of hell got hold upon me.” As for his inner experience, he found nothing there but “trouble and sorrow.” When the town of Mansoul was besieged, every way of escape was closed except the way upwards, and it was so with the psalmist, and therefore he made use of that way. Have you undergone this trinity of salvation — your soul from death, your eyes from tears, your feet from falling?

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