augustine allegorical interpretation of scripture

The Rise of Allegorical Interpretation, “Continuity and Discontinuity: The Debate throughout Church History,”, “How Has Revelation Been Viewed Interpretively?,”, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Finally, Scriptural interpretation should ultimately lead to the love of God and love of neighbor. When Augustine described his later works on Genesis as “literal,” he intended to distinguish them from the allegorical approach of his earlier two-volume work on Genesis against the Manichees. Pingback: Laying Down Our Garments in the Road For God’s Move | conversant faith, Pingback: The Greatest Type in the Bible | conversant faith. The New Testament seems to interpret the Old Testament in both exegetical and allegorical ways at different times. “Thus as great and brilliant a scholar as Augustine offers the following interpretation of the parable of the Good Samaritan: A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho = Adam Jerusalem = the heavenly city of peace from which Adam fell Jericho = the moon, and thereby signifies Adam’s mortality (Questions on the Heptateuch 2.73), The Old Testament, you see, is the promise in figure and symbol; the New Testament is the promise spiritually understood. Change ). So then the tree of life also was Christ….He is rightly called whatever came before him in order to signify him. Because the book of Revelation is categorized as apocalyptic literature and contains numerous symbols, it undergoes a great deal of abuse due to allegorical interpretation. On the contrary, the amillennial writings usually concentrate on attacking and ridiculing the premillennial position. Thus, Augustine discusses in this book “the process of discovering” and “the process of presenting.”. Augustine learned that the Old Testament could be interpreted in a figurative or allegorical sense in such a way that what Augustine had previously thought problematic and uncouth could now be read in a salutary way.' If an interpretation of scripture builds up caritas or (what amounts to the same thing) attacks its opposite, cupiditas (selfish desire), then it is, absolutely speaking, a good interpretation. 15 Larry V. Crutchfield, “Revelation in the New Testament,” in Mal Couch, ed., A Bible Handbook to Revelation (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2001), 32. Augustine. ( Log Out /  For a more constructive approach to allegory as a literary mode see Gerald Bostock, 'Allegory and the Interpretation of the Bible in Origen', in Journal of LiteratuR and Theology 1, (1987), !J9-5!J. 11:3. The Bible-based approach of the Reformers restored the doctrine of justification by faith that had fallen victim to the use of allegory … 3. Despite his occasional foray into more of a literal hermeneutic, the majority of Genesis 1 is interpreted in allegorical fashion. As the opening quote illustrates, for Augustine, biblical interpretation is always abundantly practical. The different items and the various kinds of material which make it up—laws, promises, liturgies, genealogies, arguments, narratives, meditations, visions, aphorisms, homilies, parables and the … Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. They each and all fail to explain the facts and relations of the record, and treat John as a half-demented sentimental old man, trying to make a grand poem out of a few dim anticipations touching the earthly fortunes of the Church, which could have been better told in one well-written chapter. (The Literal Meaning of Genesis 1.1.1), All these things [Jerusalem, Sarah and Hagar, the smitten rock] stood for something other than what they were, but all the same they were themselves bodily realities. 17), wisdom as a housewife (Prov. This type of interpretation is found in the writings of Augustine, who believed that every passage of sacred Scripture contained four different interpretations (or meanings): the “literal,” the “allegorical,” “the moral,” and the “eschatological.” For example, according to Augustine Israel in the “litera”l sense was a nation called of God, and given a land. Kazark. ALLEGORICAL INTERPRETATION gave central importance to the historical meaning of Scripture greatly reducing the allegorical overlay on the text. The future ethereal New Jerusalem was where all would be fulfilled, rather than in any renewed version of this world. “On the proper method of interpreting prophecy Tertullian stated: “Now to upset all conceits of this sort, let me dispel at once the preliminary idea on which they [heretics] rest their assertion that the prophets make all their announcements in figures of speech. . There are two lines of justification for allegorical interpretation of the Bible that Origen uses: (1) such interpretation is ancient, and (2) allegory is justified by and used in the NT. Introductory Comment During the first centuries of Christianity, the Fathers of the Western Church, such as Jerome, Hilary, Ambrose and Augustine, tend to spiritually interpret the Holy Scripture, combining the Old with the New Testament, suggesting that Bible passages can be interpreted through a variety of prisms. Augustine’s personal history can also be viewed through the same lens. 16 “Though the Reformers had come out of the interpretive darkness into the light of literal and historical hermeneutics, they still clung to allegorical details in their attempt to understand the book of Revelation.”—Mal Couch, “How Has Revelation Been Viewed Interpretively?,” in Mal Couch, ed., A Bible Handbook to Revelation (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2001), 40. Augustine’s allegorical interpretation of Bible prophecy dominated the understanding of eschatology during the medieval period. However, he was turned off by the Bible’s “painfully unstylish Latin.”[2] He didn’t understand at that point that the Bible, in it’s humble style, is “a text lowly to the beginner but, on further reading, of mountainous difficulty and enveloped in mysteries.”[3] He was then seduced for 9 years by a heretical group called the Manichees, who attacked the Bible because of its problematic passages. Though very allegorical and even categorical at times, he didn’t miss the narrative. He was led to allegorize the Old Testament, . 9,692 10 10 … M. IDDLE . 7. It is only the strings of the lyre, and of other similar musical instruments, that are designed to produce the music; but to effect the result the other components are included in the framework of the instruments. After meeting Ambrose in Milan, he found answers to all their challenges, especially by means of an allegorical interpretation of those passages. . Because Revelation is admittedly pessimistic in this regard, the system’s scheme for disposing of this unfavorable evidence is to relegate its fulfillment almost entirely to the past, to a time prior to A.D. 70.20, The net result of allegorical interpretation is to place a veil of darkness over God’s divine Word. (On Christian Teaching 3.10.14), 9. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Through Augustine, Origen’s allegorical hermeneutic became the backbone of medieval interpretation of the Bible. It was Origen’s earnest desire to follow his father’s example of martyrdom to the point that “his mother had to prevent him forcibly from going out to seek martyrdom in the persecution in which his father was killed.” In the year f… . But, in truth, all are not figures, but there are also literal statements.”. First, he sees the creation days as … Amillennialist Schaff is fair when he describes the great hermeneutical failings of Origen: “His great defect is the neglect of the grammatical and historical sense and his constant desire to find a hidden mystic meaning. The two pence given by the Good Samaritan to the innkeeper has the hidden meanings of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. 1 “Literal is not opposed to spiritual but to figurative; spiritual is an antithesis on the one hand to material, and on the other to carnal (in a bad sense). I've compile several quotations by Early Church Fathers showing their unified allegorical interpretation of the Genesis 1-2 narrative. Its emphasis on allegorical interpretation of Scripture, carried out within very loose parameters, was especially significant, and it remains of interest to philosophers for its subtle and influential discussion of Augustine’s theory of “signs” and how language represents reality. [1] 1. It takes that which God has graciously revealed to the saints and subjects it to the dark vagaries of human imagination and speculation. The first sentence is, “There are certain rules for interpreting the scriptures which, as I am well aware, can usefully be passed on to those with an appetite for such study to enable them to progress not just by reading the work of others who have illuminated the obscurities of divine literature, but also by finding illumination themselves.”[6] Augustine wants to empower and perfect future interpreters and teachers by passing on the rules of the game, so that they can interact with the divine text directly without having to receive everything blindly or secondhand. The Alexandrian school of theology which came into prominence about 300 A.D. followed a principle of interpretation which regarded all Scripture as an allegory. One of the beliefs that became dominate, especially in late-Medieval times, was the belief that every … A person who does not grow in love does not truly understand the scriptures, even if that person knows a lot about the scriptures. Since John’s writings clearly indicate a coming time of wrath and judgment upon the earth, their motive is to attempt to remove this reality in favor of a more optimistic future for Christianity: Reconstructionism’s interest in this subject stems from its optimistic outlook regarding Christianity’s ability to gain control of secular society. Interpreting Scripture with Augustine. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” Even though revelations come from mountains hope remains only with God. The Interpretation of Scripture by James I. Packer. Danny Coleman, The Danger of Allegorical Bible Interpretation; The dangers of allegorical interpretation, Part 1; Basically, when you interpret Scripture allegorically, you don’t allow the text to speak for itself in exegesis (obtaining meaning out of the text) but choose to impose another “deeper meaning” on the text – which we call eisegesis (reading something into the text). Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven: Women, Sexuality … 20 Robert L. Thomas, Revelation 1-7 (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1992), 20. The priest is the Law, and the Levites are the Prophets. It opens up the Scriptures to far-fetched, contradicting, and even heretical interpretations. Augustine developed a dual hermeneutic. from 'Fundamentalism' and the Word of God (Inter-Varsity Press, 1958), pp. Notable proponents of allegorical interpretation include the Christian theologian Augustine of Hippo, who in the 4th century, on theological grounds, argued that God created everything in the universe in the same instant, and not in six days as a plain reading of Genesis would require; and the even earlier 1st-century Jewish scholar Philo of Alexandria, who wrote that it would be a mistake to think that creation … Origen did not invent his interpretive techniques. History is when things done by God or man are recounted; allegory when they are understood as being said figuratively; analogy, when the harmony of the old and new covenants is being demonstrated; aetiology, when the causes of the things that have been said and done are presented. Both aspects are well known. The allegorical method suggests that there is deeper meaning underneath the literal text. On the one hand, he tended to interpret the Bible literally, but when it came to eschatology he interpreted that spiritually or allegorically. It hides the truth from the ignorant, whose eyes are blinded by sin and pride, hence they are prevented from the knowledge of the truth. Augustine offered two allegorical interpretations of the meaning of the six days. (Unfinished Literal Commentary on Genesis 2.5), All divine scripture is twofold, as the Lord points out when he says, A scribe learned in the kingdom of heaven is like a householder bringing forth from his treasury new things and old (Mt 13:52), which are also said to be the two testaments. A particular form of allegorical interpretation is the typological, according to which the key figures, main… Read More; use in. All rights reserved. Philosophy and Scripture were blended together. because of his desire to avoid [seeming] contradictions and blasphemies.8. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. ed. 6. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! He finds the Trinity in the account of creation and he ponders the work of the Spirit moving over the waters. Augustine got around this by refusing to take scripture at face value – and instead accept it as allegorical And one will discover that Augustine … Medieval scholars took Origen’s threefold sense—the literal, the moral, and the spiritual—and subdivided the spiritual into the allegorical and the anagogical. 115 According to an ancient tradition, one can distinguish between two senses of Scripture: the literal and the spiritual, the latter being subdivided into the allegorical, moral and anagogical senses. share | improve this question | follow | edited Mar 24 '12 at 16:58. Proud member [emphasis added]3. The profound concordance of the four senses guarantees all its richness to the living reading of Scripture in the Church. For anyone wanting to understand Augustine’s exegetical methods, On Christian Teaching is a must read. Augustine had much to say about figurative and literal language. 9:1-6), the Christian’s spiritual defense as armor (Eph. He even goes further in this direction than the Gnostics, who everywhere saw transcendental, unfathomable mysteries.”, “Aquinas put forward a threefold argument against allegory: (1) it is susceptible to deception; (2) without a clear method it leads to confusion; and (3) it lacks a sense of the proper integration of Scripture.”. . After reading Cicero and being stirred for a love of wisdom, Augustine turned to the Bible to seek wisdom there. For example, Genesis 3 introduces a talking serpent, which many Christians understand to be Satan in disguise. Allegorical interpretation means that you see the literal meaning of a story as a sign that points to a deeper reality, namely, some spiritual or christological truth. allegory history. [2] History, andthus "literal" interpretation, was a phenomenal matter and therefore not ofgreat importance. 14 Rodney Petersen, “Continuity and Discontinuity: The Debate throughout Church History,” in John S. Feinberg, ed., Continuity And Discontinuity (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1988), 26. (Sermon 4.9), It is a wonderful and beneficial thing that the Holy Spirit organized the holy scripture so as to satisfy hunger by means of its plainer passages and remove boredom by means of its obscurer ones. Realizing that his interpretation of Gen. 1:1, 2, is not self-evidently the only possibility, Augustine turns to an elaborate discussion of the multiplicity of perspectives in hermeneutics and, in the course of this, reviews the various possibilities of true interpretation of his Scripture text. But what exactly is allegorical (also known as mystical1 ) interpretation and where did it come from? . ( Log Out /  . sought to defend the Old Testament to the Greeks and, even more so, to fellow Jews. Their education prepared them to appreciate Philo’s allegorical interpretations, and how allegorical interpretation could be helpful for interpreting the Bible, especially difficult passages of the Old Testament. Their use of allegory in this sense has direct ties to the New Testament writers, who engaged in a similar application of the allegorical method when they compared type and antitype: Christ as the new Adam, the … From an important passage on his "The Literal Interpretation of Genesis" (early fifth century, AD), St. Augustine wrote: This is a longer version of Augustine’s allegorical interpretation of the parable of the Good Samaritan: A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho; Adam himself is meant; Jerusalem is the heavenly city of peace, from whose blessedness Adam fell; Jericho means the moon, and signifies our mortality, because it is born, waxes, wanes, and dies. Barth is way tougher. The Literalist is not one who denies that figurative language, that symbols are used in prophecy, nor does he deny that great spiritual truths are set forth therein; his position is simply, that the prophecies are to be normally interpreted (i.e., according to the received laws of language) as any other utterances are interpreted-that which is manifestly literal being regarded as literal, and that which is manifestly figuratively being so regarded. (On Christian Teaching 2.9.14), The fulfillment and end of the law and all the divine scriptures is to love the thing which must be enjoyed and the thing which together with us can enjoy that thing… Anyone who thinks that he has understood the divine scriptures or any part of them, but cannot by his understanding build up this double love of God and neighbor, has not yet succeeded in understanding them. The School of Alexandria adopted the allegorical interpretation of the Holy Scripture, believing that it hides the truth and at the same time reveals it. It has already been mentioned that Augustine changed his hermeneutical approach in his Genesis commentaries. Cassian (Collationes xiv.8), reinterpreting a for- Read More on This Topic Origen was a Hellenistic scholar who was thought to have been born in Egypt and educated in Alexandria around 185. share | improve this question | follow | edited Mar 24 '12 at 16:58. I’ve only read portions of his History of Doctrine so far. Antiquity was associated with authority in the Hellenistic world. No Christian, I mean, will have the nerve to say that they should not be taken in a figurative sense, if he pays attention to what the apostle says: All these things, however, happened among them in figure (1 Cor 10:11), and to his commending what is written in Genesis, And they shall be two in one flesh (Gn 2:24), as a great sacrament in Christ and in the Church (Eph 5:32). Although the Sanhedrim and the hearers of Jesus often appealed to the Old Testament according to the testimony of the New Testament writers, they give no indication of the allegorical interpretation. It remained for Augustine … The correct interpretation of the Bible played a major part in Augustine’s spiritual history and historical legacy. For Augustine, every interpretation of the scripture should be charitable and its end should always be God24. (The Literal Meaning of Genesis 8.4.8), Anything in the divine discourse that cannot be related either to good morals or to the true faith should be taken as figurative. ( Log Out /  Allegorical interpretation of the Bible is an interpretive method that assumes that the Bible has various levels of meaning and tends to focus on the spiritual sense, which includes the allegorical sense, the moral (or tropological) sense, and the anagogical sense, as opposed to the literal sense. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Allegorical interpretations of Genesis are readings of the biblical Book of Genesis that treat elements of the narrative as symbols or types, rather than viewing them literally as recording historical events.Either way, Judaism and most sects of Christianity treat Genesis as canonical scripture, and believers generally regard it as having spiritual significance. By a happy inconsistency do they not so treat other portions of Scripture, or they would transmute the whole Revelation of God into uncertainty and emptiness.22, Having examined a long list of these symbolic and allegorical interpretations, and followed the processes by which their authors have tried to apply them, I have not found one which does not completely break down under the weight of its own cumbrous unfittingness. Allegorical interpretation of the Bible is an interpretive method that assumes that the Bible has various levels of meaning and tends to focus on the spiritual sense, which includes the allegorical sense, the moral (or tropological) sense, and the anagogical sense, as opposed to the literal sense. As … Luther and Calvin, along with other reformers of their time, returned the church to a more literal interpretation of Scripture. One may be able to get a sense of the words and exegete that authorial intention of a passage but if that has not led the reader to a greater love for God and neighbor that interpretation is in vain. Robin Lane Fox, Augustine: Conversions to Confessions, p. 85 It found acceptance also with the Roman church and among the leaders of the Reformation. I. Augustine, Ambrose, and Allegorical L'xegesis By his own testimony, Augustine was introduced to the allegorical inter- pretation of scripture by Ambrose of Milan. Kazark. These parts are not struck by the player, but the parts which resonate when struck are connected with them. So where did this tendency begin? Augustine’s Development from Allegorical to Literal Interpretation. This remains the case today. Augustine, Enarationes in Psalmos 118, 121 and 125, De Doctrina Christiana 1.30.31ff, Sermo 299. The river Euphrates means the outflow of manners and is not an actual literal river in Mesopotamia. Even Josephus has nothing of it.7, Two names stand out in Alexandrian Jewish allegorization: Aristobulus and Philo. Pope Gregory the Great’s interpretation of the Book of Job is equally disheartening: ‘The patriarch’s three friends denote the heretics; his seven sons are the twelve apostles; his seven thousand sheep are God’s faithful people; and his three thousand hump-backed camels are the depraved Gentiles!’6. Some Bible scholars believe that Augustine’s allegorising is nothing like the New Testament’s way of interpreting the Old, and the latter cannot therefore be a precedent for the former. Christian Reconstructionists utilize forms of allegorical interpretation in order to work around passages in the book of Revelation which do not conveniently fit into the newspaper events surrounding the times prior to 70 A.D. In all the holy books, however, one ought to note what eternal realities are there suggested, what deeds are recounted, what future events foretold, what actions commanded or advised. 11 Isbon T. Beckwith, The Apocalypse of John (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001), 323. Augustine’s most famous contribution was his work The City of God (De Civitate Dei), in which he subjected all of God’s activity in human history—past, present and future—to an allegorical interpretation. The allegorical interpretation of Sacred Scriptures cannot be historically proved to have prevailed among the Jews from the time of exile, or to have been common with the Jews of Palestine at the time of Christ and His apostles. There is a difference between an allegorical interpretation (the way you read the Bible) and the genre of allegory. 101-114.. 2 Roy B. Zuck, Basic Bible Interpretation (Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications, 1991), 29. Some of them, like Origen and Augustine, were also educated people who were schooled in Greek philosophy and who were introduced to the writings of Philo. At bottom, only one story is told anywhere in scripture: the redemption of mankind by Christ. The senses of Scripture. Perhaps the author too saw that very meaning in the words which we are trying to understand. Like Philo, Origen … Many … scripture. Even today, Augustinian eschatology is held by large segments of the Christian church.15. according to the spiritual meaning which the Spirit grants to the Church" 81). This is so much the case, that Peter Brown has said that “the last three books of his Confessions are in many ways the most strictly autobiographical part of the whole book.”[4] If you haven’t read the Confessions, the last three books are a relentless, kaleidoscopic, and dizzying interpretation of the first chapters of Genesis. And when the narrator mentioned them he was not employing figurative language, but giving an explicit account of things which had a forward reference that was figurative. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. 22 J. Reading Jaroslav Pelikan? 80:8-16), Nebuchadnezzar and Egypt as two eagles (Eze. of While the allegorical interpretation of Scripture is fraught with problems, every Bible student has to have some familiarity with it. Even today, Augustinian eschatology is held by large segments of the Christian church. It is sometimes referred to as the quadriga, a reference to the Roman chariot that was … Allegorical Interpretation. It should be pointed out that, while St. Thomas seems to limit the allegorical sense to Old Testament types, there are New Testament passages which admit of allegorical interpretations as well. 4 “In the history of allegorical interpretation of Scripture it is not denied that there is a literal, historical, or grammatical sense to Scripture, but it is depreciated. Cassian (Collationes xiv.8), reinterpreting a for- A.D. 54) . Saint Augustine, one of the most influential theologians of the Catholic Church, suggested that the Biblical text should not be interpreted literally if it contradicts what we know from science and our God-given reason. (City of God 17.4), To be sure, we must not suppose that all the events in the narrative are symbolical; but those which have no symbolism are interwoven in the story for the sake of those which have this further significance. The Samaritan is Christ. On Philo: Siegfried, Philo von Alexandria, Jena, 1875, and the list of references on p. 162; (Confessions 12.18.27), Four ways of expounding the law have been laid down by some scripture commentators, which can be named in words derived from the Greek, while they need further definition and explanation in plain Latin; they are the way of history, the way of allegory, the way of analogy, the way of aetiology. This approach is probably one of necessity, for amillennialists seldom agree with each other in specific interpretations of prophecy except to be against the earthly millennium.”—Paul Lee Tan, The Interpretation of Prophecy (Dallas, TX: Bible Communications, Inc., 1993), 73. T. HE . It should be pointed out that, while St. Thomas seems to limit the allegorical sense to Old Testament types, there are New Testament passages which admit of allegorical interpretations as well. Scripture by Scripture. It has been said that church history is “the history of the interpretation of Holy Scripture” [1]. (On Christian Teaching 3.27.38), What difficulty is it for me, I say, if I understand the text in a way different from someone else, who understands the scriptural author in another sense? As we’ve observed in the origination of this method of interpretation, there was a motive for its use. This will be explained in the next section. For it is only the share of the plough that cuts through the earth; but the other parts of the plough are essential to make this operation possible. They are, at best, the wild guesses of men who have never got hold of the real thread of the matter, whilst under the necessity of saying something.23. In the firmament he … 18 Ramm, Protestant Biblical Interpretation, 111. Augustine’s personal history can also be viewed through the same lens. A separate presentation of Allegorical Interpretation has not yet been written, and therefore reference must be made to works treating of Scripture interpretation in general: Rosenmueller, Historia Interpretationis Librorum Sacrorum, iv. Augustine developed a dual hermeneutic. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1970), 124. In Bible study all of us are trying to find and grasp the meaning of the author we are reading… As long as each interpreter is endeavoring to find in the holy scriptures the meaning of the author who wrote it, what evil is it if an exegesis he gives is one shown to be true by You, light of all sincere souls, even if the author whom he is reading did not have that idea and, though he had grasped a truth, had not discerned that seen by the interpreter? This symbolism is accepted even by Christians who believe the story as a whole is based on a historical event. It is important to examine his reasons for doing this. Dr. D’Ambrosio cites one such exegesis by St. Augustine, who interpreted the parable of the good Samaritan in such a way that the man who fell among robbers was the … St. Augustine and other Latin fathers responded to both of these traditions of exegesis, Alexandrian and Antiochan, and sought to find a mean between them. The terms properly expressive of the schools are normal and mystical.” John Peter Lange, 7.3. In 450 Eucherius of Lyons published his handbook on interpretation, “ Rules for Allegorical Interpretation.” 8. Reading and interpreting the Bible is never meant to be a purely academic or intellectual … Wit… St. Augustine and other Latin fathers responded to both of these traditions of exegesis, Alexandrian and Antiochan, and sought to find a mean between them. 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Mountains hope remains only with God own allegorical style of augustine allegorical interpretation of scripture work against his advocacy texts. 'Ll send You an email with steps on how to reset your password illustrates, for Augustine, Enarationes Psalmos! The typological, according to which the Spirit grants to the innkeeper has the meanings. Evidence is lacking within Scripture that Jesus or the Apostles understood the Old Testament Out. Instance of allegorical interpretation aligns with a canonical reading of the interpretation of Scripture greatly reducing the overlay. Even though revelations come from schools are normal and mystical.” John peter Lange,.. Key figures, main… read more ; use in did it come from mountains hope remains only God. Evidence is lacking within Scripture that Jesus or the ‘superficial’ understanding of the six days, 7.3 80:8-16 ) You! Has already been mentioned that Augustine changed his hermeneutical approach in his Genesis commentaries consciously or.! 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